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Self Involved Poems - Poems about Self Involved

Self Involved Poems - Examples of all types of poems about self involved to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for self involved.
All Love
...We started to grow apart long before the current rift It wasn't personal, but necessary if you read & get the gist We were closer than a pair of lips long before I met betrayal's kiss I took it pe......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, emotions, feelings, how i
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Self Involved Warp of Coziness
...each artist is working in their own world they share a studio, but none are aware of others they are in a self-involved warp of coziness one with their canvas, paints calling to them each one in ......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, art,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Insights
...INSIGHTS recalled  words   hollowing out a memory  in a   trompe l’œil of a disparate  miscellany held aloft& framed in view a living collage ongoing carefree  & literally  done......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, poetry,
Form: Other

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Attempt To Be a Selfish Friend Lying Like a Fool
...We fell because of his dishonesty which comes from selfishness when he forcefully lies to your face and you couldn’t careless answers to questions you avoided asking to avoid the whole process ......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, abuse, death of a
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Truth I Rarely Tell
...The truth is that people think I am the best listener in the world. I have mastered the face and the expressions of the most interested. I can toss out the best impression of a person who cares. I......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Verse

Spot a Narcissist
...Narcissist is a word you learn discover these people at every turn Self involved and lacking concern you’re the bridge they are the burn Think themselves more important skills they have de......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Not Now I Am Too Busy
...The world is what we make it, so let’s make it grand and gold, and glorious. The universe smiles upon those who send it love, so let’s do that. My own sweet soul is whispering stuff, but do I liste......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, introspection, longing, psychological,
Form: Free verse
What Struck Me Was Your Urbanity
...What struck me was your urbanity… which I now see as social profanity. Our first meeting you filled the room with intellectual vitality You carried on about substance and morality You had such ......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, anti bullying, betrayal, myth,
Form: Free verse
Is It Too Late
...The last bomb of the day had fallen. Broken debris and buildings lay strewn on the ground. Never thought the corner of Main St. and Fourth Ave in Los Angeles would be demolished and lying in piece......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, america, angst, anxiety, childhood,
Form: Prose
Forms of Love
...? What's the Norm? (for Contest) Precious moments  you've gotta steal Cyber love  it's for real feelings deep you've never met owning your mind can't forget Online talks Friendship......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, america, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Time After Time
...Fr. Time, thanks for coming back again today. Well now, you know I always have plenty of time for Ms. Integrity! Thank you for that rather cloying and creepy response. I talked to FireGod a f......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, god, humor, life, love,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
...Sometimes... perhaps other time I am here and everywhere To mean I am here but you cannot find The one me in moments unlikely to bear Someone called it self-involved Yet... I'm pretty much eve......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, life,
Form: Rhyme
Deaf Poet
...Do not bother me Can you not see? I am self involved The proverbial deaf poet And don't you know it Dare you ignore me I shall shout till you see Silly, insecure me Thank the lord Your not me......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, allegory,
Form: Free verse
A World So Different
...I see a world out there that can be so brilliant. But this world frightens me...its changing so fast. A world of violence and hatred...against each other. This isn't like where I came from...a wor......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, hope, life, world, people,
Form: Free verse
~ (~) ~ "stones of Denial" ~ (~) ~
...Babe's on their knees eager to learn-grow-evolve-crawling-cooing, yes-laughing-if you will... leaving-no ware; there, albeit wherever they roam... given the chance-yes... ? Enlightened t......Read the rest...
Categories: self involved, inspirational
Form: Prose Poetry

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