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Sees Poems - Poems about Sees

Sees Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sees to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sees.
The Heart Sees It All
Sometimes, you don't see you're beautiful Until you see yourself from someone's eyes Who truly see your true worth and value Who loves you without seeing your weaknesses Blind love is never underestimate You may see that its vulnerability You may...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, endurance, happiness, love,
Form: Free verse
The wound through which God sees Himself
I do not understand infinity, but I feel it flowing through me, like a river that asks no questions, only carves the banks of my being, slowly, until there is nothing left of me. I write not to explain, but to...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, allah, death, heaven, inspirational
Form: Free verse

January 6 Faith in God Bible Meditations Based on Genesis 16-18 Key Verse – Genesis 16:13 And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, bible, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

only God sees a medic cry
Verse #1: C In my arms, Robert died that day G ...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, independence day,
Form: Lyric
Beyond What He Sees
My father would hurl words at me as if I didn’t matter, He felt I was on a train that led nowhere, “Step off that train and find your path,” he would say. “You...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, me,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member What the Mind's Eye Sees
Letters congeal, to words. Words anneal to sentences, which tell a story, painted as images, imagined in the mind's eye, trying to emulate what the eye sees briefly, on the see-saw. A glint of sunlight, caught slanted and sharp on windowpane reflected, stabbed in pain with shad...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, art, hope, image, nature,
Form: Imagism
The things she sees
She saw a chicken on a motorbike, and spat at snakes that were about to strike, she sees a lot of things she doesn't like: once, it was Hitler standing in the room, a monkey paragliding to its doom, a...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, confusion,
Form: Hybronnet
The Mirror Sees Only Itself
The corpse of this world has been easy to find it has followed my footstep, and yet, beauty is here to astound its glory confounds. A bell in a towering light knell's as it weds death to life - the hideous to...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, poetry,
Form: Free verse
True Love Sees It All
Understand deeply Our service to Him; true love Sees it all throughout....Read the rest...
Categories: sees, faith, gospel, love, perspective,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Faith That Sees
Gentle, like the tenderest dewdrop, Kind as the rain who bleeds hope, Quiet, like the whisper of light, Tender as the heart who sings praise. Joyful, like the guitar’s rhythmic chorus, Elated by the wonder of a priceless psalm, Jubilant, like...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, appreciation, blessing, christian, hope,
Form: Free verse
in her vison sees natures anointing eyes sees visualize features ~ the sun rises soars moon set new day view dawns bliss vison dark to light 6/14/24 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2024© ...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, beautiful, dark, environment, light,
Form: Haiku
The Sun WATCHES at Dawn... Day by day! The Moon SEES in the Dark... Night by night. The Sun WATCHES and The Moon SEES and take note, of all the dealings of all creatures here...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, appreciation, creation, dark, education,
Form: Burlesque
The Empty Room
an empty room and I stare at the ceiling blank eyes and a blanker slate, my poker face arms spread over my head all I can see are whirring blades blurring into creamy paint and the small cracks in between the shadows in...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, cry, death, grief, pain,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The poet does not see reality, but sees beyond its enchanted veil
The poet does not see reality, but sees beyond its enchanted veil, Through his eyes unfold the mysteries of the world, in mantles of light and shadow, A young wanderer on the paths of imagination, mastering the...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member John Brown Still Sees God
[[X][x][X][X][X][X][X]] [ ] Albeit, a riddle...Read the rest...
Categories: sees, appreciation, caregiving, death of
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry