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Secretly Poems - Poems about Secretly

Secretly Poems - Examples of all types of poems about secretly to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for secretly.
Hermann Hesse translation of 'Secretly We Thirst'
Hermann Hesse English Translations Secretly We Thirst… by Hermann Hesse from The Glass Bead Game translation by Michael R. Burch Charismatic, spiritual, with the gracefulness of arabesques, our lives resemble fairies’ pirouettes, spinning gently through the nothingness to which we sacrifice our beings...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, birth, dance, death, dream,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member At any moment, looking at the world, we don't notice the love that flows secretly
At any moment, looking at the world, we don't notice the love that flows secretly, Like an unseen river winding through the valley of our days, Gentleness, a whisper of wind caressing the leaves, Faith, a glimmer of...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Society Of Secretly Puuurrfectly Poets Tribute
Such an array of complex verse, orchestrated by a few crazy poets; Catastrophe of emotions instigate more than a few masterpieces; Engage to inspire that’s the goal, tighten a skill release a breath of words; Yank along a heartbeat and...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, emotions, feelings, poetry, poets,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Nora Tries To Secretly Graduate
Nora told no one of her plan. She had been secretly attending college for four years. She did not expect to see anybody there except her friend Sug. Sug could not keep a secret. She had told the...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, grandmother,
Form: Free verse
Secretly Adore You
I’ve been wanting to say “Hello” But I’m a little too shy. Your expensive smile; I could not afford it. I wish it was mine. Give me those onyx eyes Can you wink for me, please? Each time I come to...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, love,
Form: Verse

Sun: Secretly Loving You
I am the sun Loving you like no one else can To you, I endlessly shine my light Reflecting it to the moon every night Embracing you is my life-long dream But, you’re just so far away it seems As I...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, heartbreak, romance,
Form: Romanticism
Secretly Anxious
Sitting without slouching. And standing without shaking. Remembering that it’s ok to hesitate sometimes. If I take a breath- They are not judging. In fact- they are taking the opportunity to pause along with me. With a...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Things I Secretly Do To My Neighbor
I secretly do these things to my neighbor make fun of her walk, her talk, her arrogant ways draw her as a cartoon buffoon with a giant large ugly toothy mouth paint her wearing gaudy neon colors that...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: List
Premium Member Sh Life Is Around
Seesaws moving up and down Slides sweeping down Swings flying high Laughters released Thundering and echoing Footsteps scattered Trumpeting and vibrating While many eyes observing and following While many eyes hunting and fixing Sh, life is around And so a motherly love Has secretly crawled in...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, child, family, love,
Form: Free verse
I Am Secretly In Love With You
You're completely a stranger; but if you ask me if I know your whereabouts-- it's quite ironic because I'll gladly say yes, I'll let you feel my chest, to braille your name that is deeply engraved....Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Secretly Watching Fairy Brigade
Fairy brigade stopped as queen tied her shoe. In that one pause I knew what to do. Hid inside a mushroom with dots of blue. Magical moment of woodland voodoo. Crow cawed loudly then away she flew. Parade restarted, determined,...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
B28-P11-Secretly Loving You
Categories: secretly, 9th grade, appreciation, car,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Secretly Scary
When life gets secretly scary, you search around for a safe place. And try blocking reality with tricks of imagination. Your anxiety starts to climb when life gets secretly scary. For paranoia stalks your thoughts; overshadowing happiness. Ghosts of buried memories haunt; as yesterdays...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, 12th grade, angst, anxiety,
Form: Quatern
Silently Secretly Sealed
Silently Secretly Sealed If you could see inside a fruitful flower You would see what’s inside my heart For my love for you blossoms every hour As it did from the very first sacrificial start If you could take a...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, love, solitude,
Form: Sonnet
A sniper was around. I did not want to rush and kiss the jessamine. Last night, it was a retributory offer to put off the candle. I am here to stay for prudence, speaking the dialect of the nameless. I...Read the rest...
Categories: secretly, art,
Form: ABC

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