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Scribe Poems - Poems about Scribe

Scribe Poems - Examples of all types of poems about scribe to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for scribe.
Spirit and sponsor sane sexagenarian scribe and his spouse to a Utopian country
Spirit and sponsor sane sexagenarian scribe (and his spouse) to a Utopian country He seeks (in tandem with the missus) legal asylum in Canada... New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, et cetera, or any other socially progressive European country, and...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, america, angst, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Shall Be Your Scribe--- Speak To Your Beloved a Dedicated Verse Cr
~ Beloved Woman of God I am your journalist Scribe; A professional copyist I shall; My duties theologian, a jurist, May I verse hardcopy speaks life? What you say, you speak life too; A scribe in term, inspired words; Gleaning...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, analogy, appreciation, spoken word,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Set Out Lookin' Fer Some Way To Scribe Two
I set out lookin' fer some way to scribe, that wer' a different, en catch yarn ear Well first I'd try, 'ee hollerin' a rhyme, with all CAPS, this only brought er tear, This started me a thinkin' too...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, fun, funny,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Scribe
Just a scribe for the voices in my head Writing down the words I have been fed Everything I see In this land of the free Rolling and tumbling till I can't think Brings me to the brink Sorting them...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, anger,
Form: Rhyme
Threats On Doors
The loud threats on the doors inscribed Were from a Union just proscribed For struggles it bloodshed prescribed, And for them four Networks subscribed. A group the men on top proscribed But still with men she neatly bribed And to...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, cry, people, political, violence,
Form: Rhyme

A Tribe of Bribe
A smelling tribe With a Culture of Bribe, For Bribe is often A Lever: The Answer to A Short Fever, Doctors to face “The Other Fever!” To Bribe she never says “Never”, Its purported sweetness “Forever” … A Blind-to-Truth Tribe You daren’t describe Her...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, community, corruption, evil, money,
Form: Rhyme
Sane Sexagenarian Scribe Seeks Asylum In Canada
Sane sexagenarian scribe seeks asylum in Canada... should Trump swindle electorate by hook or crook, (1003 days, 9 hours, and 32 minutes until 2024 election), yours truly steels, girds, braces... himself, and plots serious outlook pondering exiting United States (stage door left) while...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, angst, anxiety, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Lines From One Scribe
A-ccept R-ight N-ote's U-plifting L-ines F-rom O-ne S-cribe O-nce L-itterateur I-mplements M-eaningful A-crostic's N-obility Topic: Birthday of Bro. Arnulfo Soliman (January 04) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
As Poem of Scribe Truly Opens Life
J-ust E-njoy S-ublime S-tatement I-n C-omforting A-crostic A-s P-oem O-f S-cribe T-ruly O-pens L-ife Topic: Birthday of Jessica B. Apostol (October 10) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Superb Excellent Scribe
M-essage O-f S-uperb E-xcellent S-cribe E-xpresses B-rilliance U-sing K-nowledge A-s A-crostic D-esign E-mploys B-lissful A-im Y-ou O-perate Topic: Birthday of poet Moses Ebuka Adebayo (July 14) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday, poets,
Form: Acrostic
As Scribe Composes Inspiring Line
M-use A-bout R-eader I-s E-mploying L-iterary D-elight A-s S-cribe C-omposes I-nspiring L-ine Topic: Birthday of Mariel G. Dascil (October 18) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Scribe of Loveliness
D-ivine A-crostic N-ote I-mplements E-xceptional L-ine A-s S-cribe O-f L-oveliness A-uthors R-ighteous E-xcellent S-tatement Topic: Birthday of Daniela S. Solares (October 18) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Literary Regard of Scribe
C-omposer H-as O-ffered N-atal A-crostic D-elightfully E-mploying L-iterary R-egard O-f S-cribe A-s R-eader I-mplements O-ccasion Topic: Birthday of Chona Del Rosario (October 24) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Awesome Poem of Scribe
A-uthor's N-ice N-ote A-pplies L-oveliness I-n S-cribe's A-wesome P-oem O-nce R-ighteous T-heme U-ses G-reeting's A-crostic L-ine Topic: Birthday of Anna Lisa R. Portugal (October 26) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Excellent Verse of Scribe
J-oyful A-uthor S-imply M-akes I-t N-ice E-mploying R-egard O-f S-cribe's E-xcellent V-erse A-s L-ine D-enotes E-uphoria Z-one Topic: Birthday of Jasmine Rose M. Valdez (October 27) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: scribe, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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