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Scales Poems - Poems about Scales

Premium Member No Tipping the Scales
Bach is to music as integrity to sales Accuracy demanded on each of their scales ...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, analogy, business, money, music,
Form: Rhyme
a matter of scales
the matter of scales We, you and I, who don't believe in a rose scented heaven, painted by a five years old child who has a mother named Glady  Nor do we believe in that place where  stokers go, tired...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, angst, august, baptism, beach,
Form: Ballade

Premium Member Riding the Scales
rules must be made for both sides - Libraic scales mind equilibrium equal length pan holders - no unfair weights, no pandering justice must not take sides judges should not be stuck in pockets; moneywise dressed - for success, not...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, political,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Scales of Justice
In the realm where truth and fairness reign, The Scales of Justice sing their ancient strain. They dance upon the precipice of law, With blindfold tight, they seek no flaw. Bearing the weight of society's trust, They measure the worth...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Epic
Premium Member The Scales of Being
In the market of life, where all trade and barter, A sage stood silent, watching the starter And ender of deals, the ebb and the flow, Of gains and losses, the high and the low. "Look...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, life,
Form: Dramatic Verse

The scales of Lady Justice
The scales of Lady Justice Slapped in the face on the left in the right. Exposed in all my private place. Choked by the cord of avenge and revenge both seek. Stung by bees of foul and lied speech. Yanked...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, america, corruption, emotions, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Dark Scales
You pay BLM...DOJ? A Garland like a serpent over the Ten Commandments-Followers and over the Constitution. You keep doing what you accuse Trump of doing, then let your Media Priests preach. Then you use...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, art,
Form: Free verse
A Market of Broken Scales
As I walk through the market in the early light I see the vendors and the buyers in a constant fight I see the goods and the prices change every night I see the scales and the weights...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, character, corruption, discrimination, gender,
Form: Rhyme
WE GOBBLE GOAT’S CHEESE Scales of justice weighed in gold and coal cherubs and demons cheer without fear horns blow, rooms gather fat Coaxing a grey Persian cat climb stairs of glamour or disillusioned clamour Heads dance across Florentine...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, anxiety, cat, conflict, dark,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Snake Skin Scales
On snakes gleaming skin, scales shimmer like morning dew, armor compliant. Old flakes shed for new, As silk snake skin is rebirthed. It unfolds, hardens. The scales slide over, intertwine in sliver coils. Body sinuous glides effortlessly over the ground, through the grass it slithers, with...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, nature,
Form: Choka
Premium Member Rainbow Scales Beckon Me
Going inward Receiving moments of grace While time unfolds Touching your heart with my breath An expansion Doorways to enter Each gift revealed through my willingness Vulnerability my partner Coaxing me towards unimagined pleasure and pain Letting my mind expand Memories of days Exploring and...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, appreciation, beauty, childhood, dad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tipping the Scales
Finally finished with forcing the future Beginning to balance the scales of life Purposefully pivoting to the present Ruminate, rinse, repeat was my motto Causing consternation in all situations Finally finished with forcing the future Pondering potential paths...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, encouraging, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
The Goddess With Golden Scales
She dresses perfectly with prominent spikes in her hair, long and flowing brown violet braids, which make her face exotic and relaxed.. she wears several precious stones between her hands and feet, with flower tattoos surrounding...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, angel, art, body, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Scales of Justice
You can't certainly put a price on freedom But if something's coming in the way of you having it There's no price that you won't pay For there's nothing greater than freedom It only took me lying on...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, allusion, judgement, life, money,
Form: Free verse
Tanka 002
an ant scales my flank sun rays waltz on my belly my heart skips a beat the penny begins to drop this...Read the rest...
Categories: scales, environment, growth, identity, imagination,
Form: Tanka

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