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Scads Poems - Poems about Scads

Scads Poems - Examples of all types of poems about scads to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for scads.
Poet who exhibits panache
...Poet who exhibits panache - meant... to tickle your fancy dear reader rabbit, perchance European G-man double agent regarding the following poem with kick a$$, je ne sais quois ingenious, humo......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, adventure, appreciation, celebration, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
A Gray Light Sparkles
... Branches thatch a spackled sky. Snow lays itself down to sleep lightly. An airborne coyote-itch addles drops of sunlight until they drizzle. Splatters of graying-green on the hairy chops......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Will wonders never cease!?
...Will wonders never cease!? Alternately titled: Last of the fluff belonging to a Mohican Norwegian bachelor farmer wannabe. Any resemblance between said unnamed individual and living persons ......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, absence, adventure, analogy, angst,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Happy shiny tummy courtesy I REM ember in place of stipend
...Happy shiny tummy courtesy...I REM ember in place of stipend An appetizer, essentially an out of this world guacamole quasi Neptune salad, regarding self taught cook earning prized counterpart......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, adventure, age, angel, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Daemons within gray matter of this male run amuck
...Daemons within gray matter of this male run amuck... hence yours truly (me) seeks mental health services without any luck even after reading Scripture from my namesake who exuded pluck afte......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, abuse, age, anger, angst,
Form: Free verse

Since English language my mother tongue, no surprise
...Since English language my mother tongue, no surprise... etymology encurtains, encompasses, and encapsulates healthy fixation why I can spend countless hours engrossed with printed material cou......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, addiction, analogy, books, dream,
Form: Free verse
Eminent domain, manifest destiny, usurpation
...Eminent domain, manifest destiny, usurpation... Maternal grandfather of mine long since passed among the living; He left his Motherland before onset of Holodomor, a policy of the Soviet Union......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, abuse, age, anger, bereavement,
Form: Free verse
Still wrestling with impasse to contentment
...Still wrestling with impasse to contentment Dispense sing with fidelity blithely agog just me and mine dark shadow slinking along outer limits of the edge of night doth blog passivity, the p......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, abuse, adventure, beauty, body,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Poet Prepares
...Ballpoint pens or sharpened pencils, Scads of pads of virgin papers, These are the tools, The base utensils, This poet needs for his mental capers. Thesaurus and dictionary close at hand, A ste......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, poetry, writing,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Bewitched Basements
...Let me be the first to have the audacity to translate, This piece of mystery molded in a magical meadow of mistakes, The reckless subject, there, just standing still like a la......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pet Peeves
...How about when stores jack up their prices Then reduce them and call it a sale I've been on to these devious practices for years Their attempt to bamboozle us has failed Annoying commer......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, psychological,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Pearly Gates
...Are all the successful people in the world Content and happy with their lives Is a mansion on a hilltop with scads of dough The only thing we need to survive Nay nay good people, we nee......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, heaven,
Form: Rhyme
Baneful Brickbats Begat Grievous Barrier
...Baneful brickbats begat grievous barrier Tell tale indelible woe y'all privy to learn yours truly harbors traces of the masterful impregnable prepubescent wall still extant scads of decades si......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member What Should I Do
...Not that folks out there are keeping score-- But I envision myself as something... more However, the main obstacle getting in my way Is predicting what could go wrong every day Parti......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, age, business, career, confusion,
Form: Bio
The Joyous Partner the Microwave
...the joyous partner the microwave it has become my chef alas not quite my mother's hand but for its swiftness of foot there is no other yes i survive on the TV dinner oh dear Lord i have shown m......Read the rest...
Categories: scads, humor,
Form: Light Verse

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