Sad Poems. Above are examples of sad poems about life, depression, love, and more. Yes, believe it or not, poetry about sadness can help you lift your spirits when you feel down or are unhappy. It is a natural feeling and one that all people experience but talking about how you feel and writing about sadness can put you on the road to healing. Regardless of the reason, or even if there doesn’t seem to be one, reading and sharing poetry can help you when sadness holds you in its grip. These poetic works will help you to learn how to write poetry about sadness and see how the best poets from all over the world write this form of poetry.
Compassion FatigueIt is an unfortunate reality,
Those most able to tie word and misery -
Are most often the least spoken.
They are capable of divining the self,
Pulling out streams of emotion.
- Emotion that is far heavier than simple...
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sad, cry, depression, emotions, loneliness,
Form: Free verse
These Useless Words of MineThese useless words of mine are excrement of the finger; promptly evacuated from the vapid finger follicles to present themselves before the pupils of whoever.
Spending day and night hoping for the "medicine" to take effect,...
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sad, angst, anxiety, depression, fate,
Form: Free verse
The Unyielding RoseThe rose petals color drained,
as my eyes tearfully pained,
over how I failed to maintain
A bed worthy of thorns contained
No gardens lush, where beauty bloomed,
Unyielding, lost, my dark heart entombed,
Each fragrant breath, putrids perfumed,
Now, just whisps...
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deep, rose, sad, spring,
Form: Rhyme
A Dagger's Blade
Your laughter haunts my lonely nights,
Memories echo in empty halls,
Each whisper stabs my aching heart,
Once we soared, now shadows fall,
A friendship lost, a love undone,
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sad, anger, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
WONDERPink skies infest the starry dark.
Pest sprays reject the fireflies’ spark.
Bald eagles chopped by green windmills.
Right whales lie beached as sonar kills.
Rage that I can no longer view,
Bids my sense of wonder adieux....
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sad, animal, bird, dark, death,
Form: Rhyme
The ShellHard and rigid
The life so lived and so painful
Lived to be smart, your own way and left this world wanting more
Hard and broken, rigid and angry
Soft and beautiful
The life so lived and a beautiful...
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sad, anger, death, emotions, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse
Guess WhoGuess Who?
Charles Johnson
Unwritten poems thirst and ache for love.
In the still, a heart takes flight--Guess who?
For one, a sweet besotted flame-- Guess who?
One finds the mind adrift with dreams of love.
With every glance, a secret...
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love, sad love,
Form: Sonnet
My Heart is still a grieving spaceInspired by a moving life story of someone who lost a loved one recently.
My Heart is still a grieving space
By Michelle Morris
Your passing was expected
The timing understood
But still it's been...
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sad, death, emotions, feelings, grief,
Form: Free verse
message to my parentsYou can let your gentle eyes rest tonight
I wont arrive in the morning light
Dont bother worring and crying
You can let your gentle eyes rest
Since you now dont have to see my face
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sad, care, feelings, funeral, kid,
Form: Free verse
I love her please kill meShe's outside my room.
But she's with him and not me.
Someone please kill me.
Love... Hate... Sleep...
No in-between....
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sad, brother, depression, i love
Form: Haiku
The noble lady was full of ireThe noble lady was full of ire.
Drunk, her knight had pissed out her camp fire.
So now she sought warmth by his horse,
and there, had heated intercourse
with the knight's impish, big-bellied squire.
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sad, anger, humor, love hurts,
Form: Limerick
Desparate for hopeMind desparate for hope
desperatley searches for something to cling onto
something to quiet down the endless cycle of repeating thoughts
that haunt it every early morning and every late night
In a symbolic way the...
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sad, body, depression, how i
Form: Free verse
A Place to Run? Or A Place to Hide?Screams of heart,
Pricks of needle.
Shivers of the Cadaver,
Breaking of thunder!
How can't I wonder?
Lying crushed on the land of tormentors.
Little did they realize,
How hard they made me cry.
The moment I asked,
Is there a place to run?
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sad, emotions, for teens, heaven,
Form: Elegy
You Chose A PoetYou chose a poet.
So you’ll be loved more than the moon loves the stars
But you’ll also have to handle the darkness
The silence when that cloud descends over her head
The begging for you to stay when...
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sad, anxiety, depression, emotions, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse
Rest Easy, LoveRest easy, love.
With your palms in the grass.
Rest easy, love
You’re at peace, at last.
The birds still chirp in the mornings.
The lightning bugs still fly at night.
And our eyes will follow the cardinal
Every time...
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sad, angel, death, funeral, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme
Specific Types of Sad Poems
Read wonderful sad poetry on the following sub-topics:
boyfriend, breakup, cry, death, depression, feeling, friends, girlfriend, goodbye, heartbreak, kids, life, rhyme,
and more.
Definition | What is Sad in Poetry?
Poems Related to Sad
bad, bereaved, bitter, dark, depressing, dismal, grief stricken, grieved, heartbroken, heartsick, heavyhearted, in the dumps, melancholy, miserable, mournful, moving, pathetic, pessimistic, pitiful, poignant, regrettable, serious, sick at heart, somber, sorrowful, sorry, tragic, unhappy, wistful