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Run Afoul Poems - Poems about Run Afoul

Run Afoul Poems - Examples of all types of poems about run afoul to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for run afoul.

Premium Member The Death of a Poet
...I read my obituary Accolades run afoul to lighten the souls of the living Trite clichés, forgotten kin, melodic tributes Boring and meaningless Upon a granite stone etched for an eternity I wa......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, death, poets,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member By Your Side
...~ By your Side ~ Keep me close by your side when the north winds howl I'll snuggle tight in your lap through the night hours' chill Those who call me a 'creature' will soon run afoul Of a cry d......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, best friend, day, light,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member The Owl Omen
...Heed the owl's omen! Peril peers all men. As norms run afoul now release the owl. With its silent wing let it soar and sing. Wind shrieks in our ear talons pierce the fear. Foolish minds do r......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, bird, cry, death, flying,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Predator Metaphor
...At a spot of roadside, shaded A predator on the prowl Concealed itself and waited for prey to run afoul… Then, madly, with a dash, It shot out from the thicket; Nabbed one prey, in a *flash* ......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, metaphor, scary,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sound of Silence - Lady Hawke - With Darren White
...Synopsis The lovely Lady Isabeau and her lover, medieval French Knight Etienne escape to flee the lustful advances of wicked Bishop of Aquila causing them to run afoul of him. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, betrayal, desire, emotions, evil,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Premium Member We Our Souls Will Spend Our Time Repenting
...we our souls will spend our time repenting but the body of truth always comes to light in drawing an end to come with true believers so they can see the many faces of the Devil greed in thi......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, allusion, conflict, earth, evil,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member We Our Souls Will Spend Our Time Repenting
...we our souls will spend our time repenting but the body of truth always comes to light in drawing an end to come with true believers so they can see the many faces of the devil greed in thi......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, allegory, change, earth, evil,
Form: Quatrain
Standing Up
...She left the meeting in a fit of rage So near to completing they rattled her cage She decided to quit throwing in the towel In refusing to admit she had run afoul A few days before in a weak m......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, self,
Form: Rhyme
Do You Believe In Ghosts?
...Believe in Ghosts? No Way! By Elton Camp To refute belief in ghosts is why I’ve come To do it without beating the religion drum There are entirely practical reason as to why I know folks do......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, funny
Form: Verse
To Sleep
...To Sleep Perchance to dream That doesn’t seem Like too much to ask So deep And so extreme One won’t waken But I’m taken to task Summoned in the middle of the night By tormentors in my......Read the rest...
Categories: run afoul, introspection,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things