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Rowe Poems - Poems about Rowe

Rowe Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rowe to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rowe.
Premium Member I Feel So Little Send Me what you heard around the worlds said It is Good It feels Like Good Energy
...United States (US): United Kingdom (UK): Australia (AU): Germany (DE): France (FR Spain (ES): Italy (IT): Netherlands (NL) Poland (PL): Sweden (SE): Japan (JP): Canada (CA): T......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, adventure, america, analogy, beauty,
Form: Free verse
Defecation accidentally clogged
...Defecation accidentally clogged... for the umpteenth time during spate to sit scrawny buttucks on porcelain throne id est videre licet toilet bowl... with toxic water brew threatening to o......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, adventure, analogy, angel, blessing,
Form: Free verse

Defecation Clogged Toilet Bowl
...Defecation clogged toilet bowl... courtesy prescription laxative AMITIZA and found (me) zee papa pooped out, thus embarrassing communiqué I post, a reasonably rhyming poetic shout to air griev......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, 12th grade, adventure, grief,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member P S It's Poetry Write On Write On Congrats To My Fellow Poetry Soupers Part 11
...P S ITS POETRY WRITE ON WRITE ON CONGRATS TO MY FELLOW POETRY SOUPERS PART 11 This anthology is a collection of the work of various poets from all over the world. By reading these diverse works, ......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, analogy, dedication, poetry, poets,
Form: Free verse
The Devil Has No Horns
...In Simple words The devil has no horns She wears smaug balm, Oh, Lord of the Rings She sleeps in El Dorado Street, the Hotels of Svengali She lives on Babbit lane, and reads Currer Bell She lov......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, analogy, , western,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Premium Member Of Eternity
...Eternity is the eager but infertile earth that we plant our seeds of love and heaven and promise in with the knowledge that they will never blossom. ~ 3rd Place ~<......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, appreciation, life, metaphor, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Word Salad
...Word Salad is Mr Happy ate porridge to drive his millennium fridge over the rainbow with moisturised success. Entered in One Sentence Metaphor in Free Verse Poetry Contest Sponsor Jesse Rowe ......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, word play,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of Haughtiness
...Haughtiness* is a formidable tower ascending toward self-exalted fame anchored by steel of personal gain rising through conceit’s brace projecting gracious meekness while standing tenaciously ......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, character, christian, emotions, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Of Hangovers
...a hangover is natures way of reminding us that our bodies do not always agree with what our minds have decided to do One Sentence Metaphor in Free Verse Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Jesse Row......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, drink, health,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of Sorrow
...Sorrow is the night’s rainstorm lashing an impoverished psyche wandering lost with loss ‘neath weeping eaves in murky-minded alleyways without an umbrella. Susan Ashley July 2......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, dark, grief, loss, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Of Retirement
... Retirement is Like a wind-up toy going strong until you unwind and fall asleep in mid stride One Sentence Metaphor in Free Verse Poetry Contest Jesse Rowe Sponsor Written......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, age, metaphor, old,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of Love
...Of Love Love oozes, surges cascades on opulence rushing with emotive urge, flows in elegance, yet fades, becomes feeble, frail, dries, decays, dies, gets extinct ......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, emotions, love,
Form: Free verse
Of a Writer Wondering Whether a Character Acts At His Will
...A writer wondering whether a character acts at his will is just a character acting against his will in the another writer's work about free will. 29.07.2019 One Sentence Metaphor In F......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of Anticipation
...Anticipation is like the gnawing of a hungry squirrel that cracks open a nut with the outcome of a delighted squirrel or a rotten nut. July 28, 2019 Premiere Contest: One Sentence Meta......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of True Enlightenment
...True enlightenment is revealed at the top of the rungs on the ladder of your mind as you ascend from knowledge to understanding to wisdom and with a burst of illumination you reach its......Read the rest...
Categories: rowe, light, wisdom,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry