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Rounds Poems - Poems about Rounds

Rounds Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rounds to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rounds.

Premium Member Morning Rounds
I woke up this morning wondering where I was last night when this morning, a glint in my mind, before wandering where I last got home here from wondering how last night again Hoping without probable gumption maybe if I figured transport out and in I...Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, appreciation, conflict, environment, health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Rounds by Michael R. Burch Solitude surrounds me though nearby laughter sounds; around me mingle men who think to drink their demons down, in rounds. Now agony still hounds me though elsewhere mirth abounds; hidebound I stand and try to think, not sink still further...Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, addiction, birth, drink, drug,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Five Hundred Rounds
Five hundred rounds of ammunition bound for President’s inauguration shots will echo through the nation and no this ain’t just imagination there’s going to be a conflagration....Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, america, confusion, political,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Rocking Horse Rounds
movement swaying full hips circle circle avoiding touch heat stroke stroke long, deep, and hard rhythmic rhythmic overflowing waves rock rocking stallion ridden sleep comes coming home lullaby sweet sound soundless dawn breaks the night cock crows crows flock in fertile fields hybrid high bred the son is born again...Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, birth, , Lullaby,
Form: Verse
Rounds of Applause
Silver nail tips nails painted black accentuated her skin. Her pantsuit was coordinated with her accessories. Her conversation was of political activism. She was sharp as a tack and her mind was keen. She was a trailblazer in her...Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, appreciation, community, corruption, freedom,
Form: Free verse

Blondes Brunettes and Merry Go Rounds
Her fun house fingertips tracing dews drenched, fruitions lips... Felicities ferris wheel; twined, their voluptuous femme fixations Sixty-nine pink balloons eroticas poesy, carnival caravan of love....Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, beautiful, girl, love,
Form: Free verse
5 Rounds With Satin
i came out swinging rights lefts upper cuts right cross left hooks didnt even faze him he came with the same i was standing strong was not willing to go down by the time round...Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, inspirationalhappy, me, friend, happy,
Form: I do not know?
Twelve Rounds (With) Natethegreat
I challenged you, and you finally took the bait. This was a battle that I had to instigate. But, you only came when I gave you a mandate, So now I will be happy to accommodate. Now Burger King...Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, on writing and wordsslam,
Form: Rhyme
Caseworker's Rounds
Caseworker’s Rounds Cabrini-Green Public Housing Chicago Where I am now there are no leas, no sheep feeding. There are tenements, children breeding. Where I am now there are no trees, no wrens lighting. There are halls far, dark, an...Read the rest...
Categories: rounds, social
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things