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Rollick Poems - Poems about Rollick

Rollick Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rollick to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rollick.
Premium Member When Summer's Gone
...As summer exits – stage left Shall we afford it a standing “O” Bask in the fireworks of its bounty Weep for the hoar frost tinged roses Shall we long for one more breath of heat As tans fade o......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, summer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member no poet, am I
... poet, you called me? oh no - that’s not I ... there's truly just ONE he writes ‘pon the sky of sunsets and stars of space without end ......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, beauty, god, imagery, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

I dread the United States presidential 2024 outcome
...I dread the United States presidential 2024 outcome... Whereby yours truly presages and doth abhor nothing short of an imminent civil war dwarfing insurrection on January 6, 2021 oddly enough e......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, abuse, america, anger, animal,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Cub with Mom
... Cub with Mom Soft- skinned snow white Mom- sheep wth its cub in deep sleep. At morning both woke up. Mom and cu......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, animal, appreciation,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Interlude
...INTERLUDE Sun is down leaving its crown . Twilight fades, dusty dusk frowns ! Me drow......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Ruth
...Rain poured the night before Reviving cobblestone Ribbons round tambourine Rollick, she kept ringing Response of the peasants Remarkable impact. Ray of blush on her face 9/2/2023......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, dance, music,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Easter
...Eggs, candies, bunnies, pastels, decors, chocolates, Brunches, desserts, and white lilies with ice droplets; Wearing clothes, church-going, wish parading, dining, Doesn't Easter seem like newer ev......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, easter,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Iron Man
...Which American does not know great Tony Stark? An industrialist tycoon like strapping shark; Born with silver spoon in his mouth; noble bequest! Lived luxurious life one considered blessed...! ......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, hero, life, people, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Spring Garden Party
...Spring Garden Party Spring’s garden party Bright poppies dance with lilacs Pink crocus frolic Fields of yellow mustard sway Frisky paperwhites rollick 3-4-22 Contest: Springtime Beauty Tan......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, dance, flower, garden,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member One Breath, Two Breaths
...They fling, frisk and frolic across my mind one breath two breaths so on so forth They romp, revel and rollick enshrined one thought two thoughts so on so forth They jink, jovial an......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, appreciation, word play,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In Soft Glowing Mistress Flame of the Beauty's Breath - a Collaboration With Susan Ashley
...In Soft Glowing Mistress Flame Of The Beauty's Breath - a collaboration with Susan Ashley In soft glowing mistress flame of thy beauty's breath your heart swears purest love even unto its death......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, art, beautiful, desire, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In Soft Glowing Mistress Flame of the Beauty's Breath - a Collaboration With Robert Lindley
...In soft glowing mistress flame of thy beauty's breath your heart swears purest love even unto its death with future treasures that our great love will provide our romance, more powerful than storm......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, appreciation, beauty, desire, destiny,
Form: Rhyme
Rain Dance
...~”I see the dance, our reflection shines in a pool of water; I ponder fate and chance, and reflect on life and how we got here…”~ Me beautiful, sweet Lady Jennifer Ever I remain thy loyal Knigh......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, dance, husband, love, marriage,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Harlequin
...Marceau leans on air. His ethereal stage, a muse. Walls and limits come and go. Rubber, his body knowing what it wants. His muscle’s tale born in luster under polished light. Each spectat......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, imagery, imagination, muse, myth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Moon Talks To the Stars
...Where are you going, my Little Ones? Oh, my precious, dear Little Ones ... do not dishearten at my absences, as with all, they are but evanescence. Do I not return e......Read the rest...
Categories: rollick, love, metaphor, moon, stars,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry