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Rivera Poems - Poems about Rivera

Rivera Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rivera to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rivera.
Premium Member ARTIST'S ARDOUR ekphrasis
... RIVERA FRESCOS plural mural LICHTENSTEIN COMIC STRIP quick flick so slick O-'KEEFE PETALS grownup closeup......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, art,
Form: Footle
Premium Member ENCAUTISTA rivera sensor johns
...ENCAUTISTA rivera ensor Johns  thermeable molten  resin   made malleable burnished melting  in   luminous freeflowing dimensions  in   pubic patterns......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, art,
Form: Didactic

Premium Member Retired VIP Guest Hospitality Specialist: Land Trustee-PS
...A pure Hawaiian of rare birth, living a life somewhat carefree, fed farm animals by this squirt, sticks and stones were real toys indeed, set trash ablaze, be on alert, a barefoot countr......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, addiction, appreciation, blessing, dad,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Pondering Her Choices
...Sharita is pondering her choices; and there are many. Travel to the Rivera with her husband who is grouchy Stay the weekend with her mother who needs her Run off to the Orient and make a new life ......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, women,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member In Love With a Mexican Alebrijes
...I have fallen in love with a winged dragon alebrijes, Have to buy it of course, is it signed? What artisian created this piece of bright gorgeousness? I look for a signature. This phantasmagorica......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, symbolism,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Clerihew Kahlo Rivera
...Frida Kahlo self portrayed her face though little feeling it was to trace She began her art whilst ill in bed of her marriage difficulties,much was said Diego Rivera ,the husband of Frida Kahlo......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Justice For Mollie Tibbets
...Preface: Earlier today May 28th, 2021, the 12-member jury unanimously found Cristhian Bahena Rivera guilty of first-degree murder in brutal stabbing death sentenced to life in prison without t......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, absence, anniversary, body, daughter,
Form: Rhyme
I Cannot Forget Trayvon Martin Slain Teen
...I cannot forget Trayvon Martin - slain teen no matter manifold more young people unthinkingly killed, who spirits aspire to ascend higher than a steeple. revisited and slightly revised today ......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, abuse, anger, bereavement, black
Form: Rhyme
Love In Composition
...A-nnual N-atal G-reeting E-mploys L-ove I-n C-omposition A-s R-emembrance I-n V-erse E-xpresses R-ight A-crostic Topic: Birthday of Angelica Rivera (March 05) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Result of Victorious Year
...I-n V-ictorious Y-ear's R-esult I-ts V-ision E-mploys R-emarkable A-im Topic: Birthday of Ivy DR Rivera (March 02) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Employ Essential Note
...A-crostic's I-deal L-ines E-mploy E-ssential N-ote's R-emembrance I-n V-erse E-ndorsing R-egards A-nnually Topic: Birthday of Aileen Rivera (January 24) Form: Vertical M......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Play Ball
...I have attempted to capture my favorite major league baseball players in this little shape poem of home plate. Included are (in no particular order): Say Hey Willie Mays Wal......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, baseball,
Form: Shape
Righteous Infection
...G-reatest L-ove O-ffers R-ighteous I-nfection A-s R-eader I-n V-iral E-motion R-eceives A-ffection Topic: Birthday of Gloria Rivera (April 13) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
...while I'm with you I'm strong within and without you I'll fall right in I feel like an angel whose wings been torn apart come to figure out those wings we're you so I've gone across the wor......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, beautiful, cute, cute love,
Form: Free verse
Rapture In Verse
...I-t V-alidates Y-our R-apture I-n V-erse E-mploying R-ighteous A-crostic Topic: Birthday of Ivy DR Rivera (March 02) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rivera, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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