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River Styx Poems - Poems about River Styx

River Styx Poems - Examples of all types of poems about river styx to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for river styx.
Premium Member The River Styx
On the bank of the river Styx, Life and death and forever mix, There’s no keeping who its water picks, Say farewell by the river Styx. I lived my life in the land of light, Yet now I cross to...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, absence, bereavement, cry, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member matchmaker from river styx
they met at the bonfire faces lit and lively against this light both looked better after dark we watched the show unfurl they were oblivious to the rest of us drawn to each other like cats to flames alley cats that...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, autumn,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member An Evanescent Life - Xaxa Sonnet
Our life is as evanescent as the trumpet flower of the morning glory. The merest chapter in the history of mankind’s ever compelling story. Various serendipitous ramblings ultimately contingent ‘on quarry; retold to captive audience...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, death, extended metaphor, life,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Silence of River Styx
In the shadows of the Montezuma mountains there lies an ethereal river Ancient Greeks knew of it, and wrote legends, many which are lost. She is the River Styx. Where your soul travels beyond flesh death. It is...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, mythology,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The River Styx
A river? ’Tis but my tongue! She rides a current well: Porridge, pills, Never courage, Nor a swollen will....Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, addiction, angst, dark, death,
Form: Rhyme

Requiem At the River
I stand in the swamp by the riverbank clutching a coin I have stolen as my heart still beats within my breast It is only my spirit that has slipped away to await the ferryman of Acheron Charon who skillfully...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, boat, death, love, mythology,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The River Styx
Below indigenous herds of species’ Soft stampeded tramplings, Profound caves water rivers underground. Roots grow their nether forests Down to a shadow fathom depth of earth. Tendrils leaf out only tuber leaves of dirt. Flooded backs of charcoal catacombs Snake like water...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, allegory,
Form: Free verse
The River Styx
Atmospheres of the weary tears that flow through the river Styx Bonded by the watchful eye for Hades is in the molten mix Cerberus is in his bliss as he watch’s the grotesque gates of hell Death becomes...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, analogy, deep, evil, mythology,
Form: Couplet
River Styx
Alone on the river Styx untouchable by experience in reach of warm safety a reward constantly carroting the current icy morrow my solo journey exciting lack grey and without embrace without redemption without nature away from god...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, creation, faith, lonely,
Form: Blank verse
Is There Anyway To Cross the River Styx
one said that some cross the river paying the fare to Charon the blunt old bearded ferryman, while others cross the waters with no money but the faith alone it’s so simple and easy to step on...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, death, imagery, river, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member While Waiting At the River Styx
While waiting at the river Styx, in twisted time untaught, from branches of the gallows tree, in recollections wrought, your soul, a beggar’s blanket, hangs in crazy quilted knots, with dangling pearls and diamond studs in dripping crimson...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, death, judgement,
Form: Monorhyme
O Waiter At the River Styx
Oh waiter at the river styx, striking down the might and meek. Thou scythe is camped outside my door; waiting... as with us all. To take the good ahead of schedule....Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, death
Form: I do not know?
The River Styx
Forming a crossroad Between the living And the dead Down this river To the world of evil Darkness appears Ravens flying near The reaper comes fourth And take souls from the north Putting them in pain Making them go insane Feasting upon there souls Making there hearts,...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, depression, sad,
Form: I do not know?
Into the River Styx
The golden eagel's Sharp talons Jack-knifed into The River Styx Catching prey For her nesting Young eaglets...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, imagination
Form: Free verse
To the River Styx
Tonight, the Elevator doors Open and close, Satan believes Down is up and Up is down We all fall Fall deep Unto the River Styx...Read the rest...
Categories: river styx, imagination
Form: Free verse

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