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Risky Poems - Poems about Risky

Risky Poems - Examples of all types of poems about risky to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for risky.
Premium Member Adrift
Tiny and trembling, the ant on its leaf-raft, each ripples a new world.... The rush of the current, and the stillness of the leaf, are not the same... The panic of separation, and that haunting feeling, of a colony left behind... The vastness of...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, scary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Risky
Our lives were always at high risk in that small town of loonies. Ironically, we still take calculated risks in cities; Where we found our true selves, no longer need each other's pities....Read the rest...
Categories: risky, friendship, irony, moving on,
Form: Sijo

Premium Member A Risky Business
Love is a risky business, It demands a level head. You must choose a partner wisely, Or you might wish that you were dead. If you trust your intuition, It should help you lead the way. If you go into it...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Risky Proposition
It was a risky proposition. yet they held no inhibition. Then formed a coalition. obtained the disposition. And it became a mission. to make the acquisition Ancient gold exhibition. Had the right condition. with all inside position. Ran Into opposition. Hadn't figured on sedition. Stan the...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, humorous,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Skiing
Skiing steep sloped slaloms one snowy week, Knowing my courses from every stark peak. In whiteouts of bitter blizzards bleak Which lacked hazards to frighten me to freak. Nothing was too risky to stop my streak, Getting ski heroes...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, hero, mountains, snow, storm,
Form: Acrostic

Risky Obsession
Is it silly to think, Despite being given everything, We could be obsessed with the stars? Far above, beyond our knowledge, Little twinkles of hinted daylight, That we still try to reach. Is it in our nature to want more, Believing...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, stars,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Huggable
she seemed cute to me tee shirt said up for a hug so, I grabbed a hold the other side said it is good you didn't try that's why the...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, funny, humor, poetry,
Form: Senryu
Risky Onerousness
R-abid E-pidemic C-ontagiously A-pplies C-oronavirus U-sing B-rutal E-nemy's R-isky O-nerousness Topic: Birthday of Reca Cubero (May 23) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Risky Ailment
R-isky A-ilment M-akes E-pidemic's E-eriness Z-one A-s N-asty A-ttack S-ilently I-nfects M-ankind Topic: Birthday of poetess Rameeza Nasim (May 10) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, birthday, poetess,
Form: Acrostic
Risky Outbreak
A-void R-abid A-ilment B-y E-vading L-ethal L-ink A-bout N-asty I-nfection's E-pidemic A-s B-etter A-lcohol N-eatly E-rases R-isky O-utbreak Topic: Birthday of Arabella Nie Abanero (April 28) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Risky
D elusional A pathetic N arcissistic G randiose E gotistical R isky...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, 10th grade,
Form: Acrostic
Risky Contact
J-ust A-void I-nfection N-icely E-vading B-rutality A-s R-isky C-ontact E-ventually L-ets L-ungs A-cquire N-asty O-utbreak Topic: Birthday of Jaine Barcellano (April 19) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Risky Opportunity
Viral rabidity dark depression closes in egocentric and economic claustrophobic feelings against overpopulated sick inhumanity, competing ravenous clans overwhelming individual rights opportunities health autonomously-held capital wealth. And then violently politically explodes internally devouring, pregnancy rates collapsing, eating and extracting and divesting, abusing and neglecting our young and old, disabled and vulnerably weak. Global climate health crises close...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, depression, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Risky Opportunities
A liberal mind for love seeks Earth's nurturing nest origins astoundingly opportune for producing healthy ego-nutritional eggs. A conservative risk taker, faced with ego's opportunity to fly away from mortal risk to autonomous long-term, or at least short-term, self survival or fight...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, anger, fear, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
The Wind
The wind Two palm trees leaning In silly, yet risky pose Provoking the wind...Read the rest...
Categories: risky, wind,
Form: Haiku

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