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Reprogram Poems - Poems about Reprogram

Reprogram Poems - Examples of all types of poems about reprogram to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for reprogram.
Seven Minutes Until
...|SEVEN MINUTES UNTIL OUR DEMISE {"Seven minutes left; the insistent buzz in my skull would never abrogate, it preserved on being continuously strenuous. My whacks on the veneer of the tiles went......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse
We Love You Kyle Hollis! Stay Spicy!
...My life is playing out on the movie screen And I'm watching from the front row Trying not to scream Holding back tears and trying not to hydraulic press my grinding teeth into my plato gums ......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, analogy, anger, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member That Certain Time of Day
...There's a certain time of day tho' unwelcome, it never goes away 'Cos I swear there are bosses with a secret device who put the hands of the company clock on ice And I've met more......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, fantasy, giggle, time, work,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Global Acceleration
...In times of global acceleration, Seek divine steps and wisdom's dictation, Our superconscious downloads instruction To reprogram our subconscious foundation. Our thoughts, they may lag behind, ......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Canning Berries
...April was the koolest month we walked in the green uprising, to gather berries, would eat them as we trekked the crunching woods. It was1999 and the sky was clear for months after; we had ti......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Breaking Cycles
...Hold your head up brother and stick your chest out for you are somebody whether you know it or not feel it or not. Believe it or not. Its time to unlearn what was learned and reprogram wha......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, addiction, devotion, forgiveness, identity,
Form: Free verse
The Affirmation Power
...Tell Yourself: I AM POWERFUL... I love me. I am Love. I am abundant, I am needed. I am the Universe! I am Here...Now! I am grateful... I Am Why? Because you are engaging your cells when you......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, 12th grade, allusion, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Power of Halloween Cat
...Training my human will be easy said the Halloween Cat. He truly felt it would be, until he saw his human was a brat. I will use my mystical magic powers to reprogram her said he. He turned her int......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hurt Alert
...Is it not possible or even probable that you and I, and millions more, have risen from the ash-heaps of a deep and painful hurt? Do you not know, as do I, of at least one who has been deeply w......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, hurt,
Form: Verse
A Clunky Television Conjectures a Covid Variant
...In those early days we bought a used TV set. A gypsy fortune-teller had predicted many televisions in our life together. Thus when the TV conjectured the possibility of ......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Time Machine
...If there was a time machine I'd go back in time With all the great technologies to reprogram my mind Id prepare for the worst and plans to make a stand And go to college and learn philosophy unde......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, adventure, analogy, deep, extended
Form: Free verse
When the Tv Conjectured Covid
...We watched the television fall asleep through window eyes. It was only 1999 but even that early 2020 began to unwind its springs one Spring at a time. April was the koolest month we loved t......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Finally Free
...Walked away To calmer water Escape the world Building in secret Here one day There another Freedom is plan Closed to my past New identity born ??New name?? No more carry the world o......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, angel, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Seeds of Growth
...I have come a long long way, veering off the road of chaos and despair.....only to wasn't the road I took, it was the path my mind was taking..... Now, I'm in charge, as 2018 comes to......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, appreciation, birth, change, character,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Thankful
...A man of few words, my father taught by example. The best thing he showed me was to set my standards high and to be my own judge - always modest never defiant or arrogant. If something needed......Read the rest...
Categories: reprogram, appreciation, father, games, introspection,
Form: Free verse

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