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Rena Poems - Poems about Rena

Rena Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rena to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rena.
Premium Member A Tale of Two Aunts 2-F
...This Christmas, a memory surfaced of two aunts from my childhood. One aunt taught me acceptance and approval; the other aunt taught me forgiveness and how to '......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, christian, family, home,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Tale of Two Aunts-F
...Growing up, I had one maternal and several paternal aunts. There was one paternal great aunt who did not have a permanent residence of her own. All the aunts lived within a 50 mile radius of u......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, christian, family, home,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member A Trail of Contrasts
...My present thoughts take me to a distant past that reveals from my busied mind a trail of contrasts. There were three ladies, and I knew them during my early childhood. There was a lady whose nam......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, god, love,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Exceptional and Lovely
...R-ight E-xpression's N-atal A-crostic M-eaningfully A-pplies E-xceptional A-nd L-ovely C-omposition A-s N-oble T-opic A-dvances R-emarkable A-spect Topic: Birthda......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member A Cinquain
...Elf owl, small Water-Bear, curious octopus. The Earth, blue planet of living wonder. Rena......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, earth, encouraging, how i
Form: Cinquain

Message of Sweet Expression
...R-ead E-xcellent N-atal A-crostic R-ightfully O-bserving S-weet E-xpression's M-essage A-bout R-eal I-mportant E-vent A-s R-emarkable M-use A-pplies D-elightful A-im Topic: B......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Sports Event
...S-ports E-vent A-t G-reat A-rena M-akes E-xceptional S-uccess Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, sports,
Form: Acrostic
Receive Early Note
...R-eceive E-arly N-ote A-nd M-essage A-bout E-xcellent A-crostic L-ine C-ompletely A-llowing N-iceness T-o A-maze R-eaders A-new Topic: Birthday of Rena Mae R. Alcantara (Februar......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Edifying Your Earnest Soul
...R-eceive E-xcellent N-ote A-nd M-essage A-bout E-ternal R-ighteousness E-difying Y-our E-arnest S-oul Topic: Birthday of Rena Mae Reyes (February 24) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Rays Erase Night
...R-ays E-rase N-ight A-fter L-etting Y-our N-ew B-eacon U-se E-ffulgent N-ature Topic: Birthday of Rena Lyn C. Buen (October 19) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
At the Philippine Arena
...R-ising sun twenty-fourth January O-pens the day with light; S-hadows have disappeared, E-arly morn sets things aright. C-oal clouds and haze A-re both nowhere in view; M-ist and fog fade ......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Be Home Soon
...I hear it snowed at home today while I basked in the sun. I don't care, I cannot wait to hold my little ones. Edna my precious first born with your hair of flaming red. I miss talking things ......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, beautiful, children, mother daughter,
Form: Rhyme
Fated To Be With Me
...Rena knew she was coming, long before I did. She was pulling at my heart strings. She was glinting in my eye. She was whispering to me in my sleep. Telling me of the love she'd keep...for me. ......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, birth, joy, mother daughter,
Form: Rhyme
A Concert For Death In My Symphonic Life
... At night I like to look to the sky and remember the lost ones by whom I'm inspired The angels Rena, Toni, Jeromiah, and David all showed me something, how can I repay them? My heros whos liv......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, absence, art, beauty, conflict,
Form: Free verse
My Joy
...Turn on the computer Listen to it hum Soon there are fingers typing Click clacking across the keyboard With a simple click I'm signed in In a second the new comment message pops up Watch the ar......Read the rest...
Categories: rena, computer-internet
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry