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Regulatory Poems - Poems about Regulatory

Regulatory Poems - Examples of all types of poems about regulatory to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for regulatory.
Premium Member Freedom vs Order: Competing Constructs
...Freedom with far Freedom with Order with less Order with far less emphasis on less emphasis emphasis on less emphasis Order - on Order - ......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, destiny, extended metaphor, freedom,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Regulatory Intelligence
...REGULATORY INTELLIGENCE A Centralized Platform for Regulatory Change Management And Compliance REGOLOGY…. WTF!!! Is REGOLOGY???? The religion of the WOKE. A mindful excavation of the ca......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, confusion, irony, language,
Form: Free verse

Death and Life
...DEATH Mor Mpment, Original hour Regulatory Temporal of Human species ... LIFE ideal view Intelligent state, Divi......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Don'T Worry Everything Is Out of Our Control
...Nobody gave us super powers though we can hope to grow invisible wings, small stubby wings that we can use to hop from here to there. I will say this just the once, there is absolutely nothing......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, poetry,
Form: Free verse
For My Sake
...She speaks in lingo Like foreigners speak gringo In all forks of the great America Around and out of this awesome Africa She comes online Doing this shows she recline On the dawn and night of......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, addiction, art, cute love,
Form: Rhyme

... So you’re feeling like a lab rat, cagey edicts don’t experimentally sit well with you Those white coat government cats be cheesing you off with the moldy logic they spew Lockdowns are ......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, angst, fear, science, word
Form: Rhyme
Still Counting
...And when it ends suddenly, unexpectedly, You start to count. First on the days, then the hours - then Just counting until 100 Then Beginning again. The dead find their faces The l......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Elephant In the City
...Every few weeks he would move from one rented room to another. He and his tartan suitcase would travel one stop on the London Underground to find a corner shop. Corner shops were where ele......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cold In Summer's Heat
...All of him professes, she’s the best, four years later, his neighbour’s older wife, he sees better. Tongue, once a warm compress to her needy soul has been weaponized to be a devastating rocket la......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, husband, life, lost love,
Form: Free verse
More Guns For Everyone Found Poem
...Trump Administration Advances Plan to Relax Gun-Export Rules found Poem The Trump administration Sought to relax export rules for American small arms, including semiautomatic rifles, handguns,......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, america, anger, angst, grief,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Infamous National Emergencies
...In a land where campaign threats have been recast as mandated promises, where pathological divestments are reinvented as healthy investments, a green cry goes out Historians, please help us o......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, america, anti bullying, bullying,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Reentry Commitments
...1. To develop and to maintain resilient cooperatively-owned integrity of services given and received, ego/eco-therapeutic interventions, and democratic peer health supports that mutually coordi......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, deep, education, environment, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Alaskan Oil Pipeline
...The Alaskan Oil Pipeline Nineteen sixty-eight confirmed the year Of discovery by ‘Humble Oil’ To North America’s largest oil field, On the North Slope of the Brooks Range; A we......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, education, environment, history, technology,
Form: Prose Poetry
When Will This Madness End For Poem a Thon 2018
...2007 How Much I Despise You 2007 How Much I Despise You 2017 How Much I despise You Following 2016 the second worst year ever Will 2018 be any better ? And what we have suffered The dark......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, america,
Form: Free verse
The Matriarchal Love Protest
...THE MATRIARCHAL LOVE PROTEST On such a time as this, When the faithful air In the cupid enclave Becomes vulnerable To the fouling presence Of the all intrusive diffusion Of the strange br......Read the rest...
Categories: regulatory, africa, anxiety, courage, men,
Form: Blank verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry