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Regenerating Poems - Poems about Regenerating

Regenerating Poems - Examples of all types of poems about regenerating to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for regenerating.

Premium Member Regenerating Nuts
A nut is just a nut till planted in robust healthy soil Soulfully watered nurtured among sympathetic neighbors fed by solidarity in co-invested toil Not necessarily nuts, yet from this same root system of passionate EarthTribe ruts Anciently established trees and seas and sacred nests of honey bees Enlightening and empowering nut engaging mysteries....Read the rest...
Categories: regenerating, earth, health, humanity, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Regenerating 2020 Hope
I once heard, Hope is what can positively happen after listening to all the realistic facts and then continuing in good faith anyway. I also heard, Cynicism about others, like narcissism about oneself, is sadly generative, expansively powerful, contagious Just as hope about others and compassion...Read the rest...
Categories: regenerating, faith, health, history, hope,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Regenerating Dance
May I have this dance? Dance to become and sustain as dance, flows better cooperatively owned, some thing we not only grace together but, more sacredly, harmonious movement we become together. May I share this dance? May we share all our dancing days, dreaming...Read the rest...
Categories: regenerating, care, community, dance, happiness,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Regenerating Abundance
"Gratitude plants the seed for abundance." Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass, p. 376 Attitude plants the seed for growing love, positive relationships. Objectives plant the seed for developing subjects, stories of not only where we have been, but where this indicates...Read the rest...
Categories: regenerating, creation, earth, health, humanity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Messages For Regenerating Time
This revolutionary message is brought to you by the TransMillennial EarthTribe CoOperative, your international ecopolitical sponsor, speciating Earth's New PostMillennially Silent EcoLogical Majority. We think we begin to both comprehend, in a B. Fullerian metaphysical sense, and co-empathically trust, in an economic and...Read the rest...
Categories: regenerating, culture, health, humor, political,
Form: Political Verse

The trembling hands were ostrasized for living more than the mafia. Why the marigold will not use the magical potent to understand the conceit ? Wounded by street an unease settles on devestated trees. How the broken moon will rise now ? The...Read the rest...
Categories: regenerating, art,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things