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Recognise Poems - Poems about Recognise

Recognise Poems - Examples of all types of poems about recognise to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for recognise.

Premium Member I Recall Your Face
I've started being able to recall your face Which isn't always the case with me. I've been known to fail to recognise Someone I've chatted to for hours! But my fingers feel again the texture of your skin Your eyes...Read the rest...
Categories: recognise, blue, memory, smile,
Form: Free verse
How To Recognise An Expert When You See One
An expert is a strange bird, That is often, Rightly taken for the fool that they are. The true expert however, Has not been blinded by science, Does not carry a trumpet, Take out full page adds, Sit behind a desk,...Read the rest...
Categories: recognise, analogy, art, beautiful, best
Form: Imagism

Premium Member Would You Recognise the Risen Jesus
When we read the scriptures ourselves of Jesus rising from the dead put ourselves in that place and time see whereabouts our feet would tread Think of what it would be like speaking with the folks of that time rubbing shoulders...Read the rest...
Categories: recognise, bible, jesus, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
I Recognise
Today we need to acknowledge what we have and what we have are the things we accomplish in life. Do we recognise the ones that feed it to us? No, Maybe or sometimes. Now let me start: I...Read the rest...
Categories: recognise, love, me, me, i
Form: Free verse
Premium Member How To Recognise a Sheep
How to recognise a sheep - let me tell you, dear The rules are simple, so take note of what I tell you here. You can rule out any creature that has fingers, fur, or...Read the rest...
Categories: recognise, animals, funny, imagination, naturebody,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry