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Recite Poems - Poems about Recite

Premium Member 'show' ' Tell ' - Better Yet Recite
To tell is prose to read you see to show recite one's poetry...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Kept Eternally
*** Kept Eternally *** The causes for our weeping — From hunger to grieving — Occur — in whimpers to wailing. However, our tears, we believe, Are in themselves liquid, and, thus, silently Flowing their sad running from our eyes Along the...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, christian, emotions, god, imagery,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member My School Bag and the Blue Sky
A sweet memory of our school days We walked to school everyday With a light school bag Under a blue sky With rain or sunshine abound Only a few books in the school bag But many flowers pluck Or junk...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, confidence, freedom, homework, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Recite Me a Poem In An Unknown Patois
I love; I really love your voice and your diction Recite me a poem in an unknown language I don't give a darn about the pronunciation Undress the words; I love them when they're naked. Take your time; be...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, bible, creation, culture, language,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Insurance
Nothing can be insured totally Neither life, accident, disaster, sickness nor epidermic Surely You pay and lose to receive It is only a sort of compensation A sort of condolence gift Sadly to say No one can insure Omicron As no one...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, life, prayer, sick,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Verse Freed To Recite
in a you tube clip...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, art, word play,
Form: Didactic
The Poet's Condition
The Poet's Condition by Michael R. Burch (for my mother, Christine Ena Burch) The poet's condition (bother tradition) is whining contrition. Supposedly sage, his editor knows his brain's in his toes though he would suppose to soon be the rage. His readers are sure his work's premature or...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, mother, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Recite To You a Rose-
I wrote a Rose And I read it to your heart I embrace your anger I threw it into the dark I spoke of love As I held your hair Kiss your soul And I called you dear I love you for your...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, analogy, appreciation, autumn, desire,
Form: Free verse
Story To Recite
We had no piece to write but a story to recite, Of bricks and straws, moulded to walls, With springs of sweat that soiled the earth, And splashes of blood, And tears we build. We had no song to sing...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, black african american, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
African Kids Recite Poetry
To the flow of a drum They throw words like spears To honour their culture with a side of a dance They evoke the ancestors with voices that echo through the jungle Animals have no choice but to...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, adventure, africa,
Form: ABC
Write and Recite Me a Poem
Write and recite me a poem, A poem about the abduction of them They abducted themselves, Please recite me all tale of that. Write and recite me a poem, A poem about the death of my brother He found that he...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, africa,
Form: ABC
Recite a Poem From My Book
Nobody will survive in this world for ever Oneday I have to go silently Then you have to follow me only… One day your black hair will turn into grey Black pupils of your eyes will become turbid Tight...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, future, memory,
Form: Light Verse
I Will Recite the Love Poem
Away my soul suspends into the thin air As I drool away the day, lying in the lair Waiting for the diamond rays of the sun sinking below the earth far away Chirping crickets; and the curly motions...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, grief, voice, earth, voice,
Form: Free verse
How To Read and Recite a Poem
Reading poetry is a lot like running in a race. From the start to the finish, one must set a pace. Read it, as if you were reading, to a great big crowd. Do not be timid, read...Read the rest...
Categories: recite, on writing and words,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry