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Recession Poems - Poems about Recession

Recession Poems - Examples of all types of poems about recession to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for recession.
Premium Member recessions
We’re in a young-love recession. Gen Zers are slow to trust and averse to risk, we have, it seems, a particular social nervousness about interpersonal exchanges and the symbiosis of love. So we resort to situationships (undefined relationships), a stratagem...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, humor, love, relationship, romantic,
Form: Free verse
Recession Blues
I look around and I see there is no more religion. Only thing people worship anymore is money and addiction way to forget! A way to escape all their troubles! Only to have their problems...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse

Are we into a recession ?
Ladies and gentlemen, Let’s take a moment to reflect on what happened in Venezuela. In the blink of an eye, everyone became a **multimillionaire**—not because the economy was thriving, but because hyperinflation piled up so much...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, absence, adventure, africa, age,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Government Advice
Surprise! Money is gone. Bank account is empty. I think it is a recession. Eat less....Read the rest...
Categories: recession, money,
Form: Cinquain
Birds, Recession and the Slaughter of Worry
Worry blows things out of proportion Carrying a burden too long will deplete your energy Having synergy in this life is important Hence the Word of God puts things in the right context Knowing this, we can understand why Recession...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, jesus,
Form: Didactic

Premium Member In Recession
In Recession We are hitting a recession I’m in deepest depression Prices increasing all the time Even politicians turning to crime We’re all going down the pan brother sister woman and man Still nice to see BP doing well Making record profits so’s...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Rise
I Rise I open the windows of my humble adobe I breathe in the mountain air I make a pot of coffee Then read the News... Recession, inflation Homeless, addiction Waste on our streets Men and women on the mall Lead in...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, addiction, depression, emotions, good
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Restless
The news spreads We're going to open borders Pandemic becomes epidemic Some people applauded and excited Feel free to go Dine-in Travel Gathering Some people anxious and restless Start to appeal,whine Complain,criticise,satire At a loss It pays to be put in a double squeeze But epidemic index up Some...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, blessing, emotions, god,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 5 Cent 25 Four Quarters and a Dollar Hollar Recession-
If a nickel's worth a quarter and a quarter a fourth of a buck I have a dollar do I have any luck, did I mention man made recession~ 10/17/20 written words by James Edward Lee Sr...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, allusion, confusion, depression, money,
Form: Free verse
Money - It's Not What You Think
Many of us are confused as to value, the convenience of money O not long ago, GOLD was the real money, today "feelings" hold sway No paper is wealth, except if it allows for BARTER (Covid-19 has...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, education, history, international, money,
Form: Acrostic
Corruption Cum Recession
Unprecedented and unannounced The sound out-hauls the band The beat of corruption much allowed Now in dual they posses the land Who should the finger now highlight The finger itself is bent and bet White in the day but black at...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, anger,
Form: Free verse
Surviving the Recession, Day-To-Day
I awoke again In the same godawful place, With wine bottles on the floor, and egg on my face "Thank Christ" I said... ...I honestly had no idea Since the last time I'd eaten, Where my next meal might...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, humorous, philosophy, political, poverty,
Form: Free verse
Oblivion In Recession
The legs started going, Howlings In my head. Thought I'd go, Kept awake with water, Breathing, Arrogantly telling myself I'd stay straight. Drank gin and wine, Went out, Tried to buy more, Unshaven, Filthy white shorts, Lost, rolling on lawn, Somehow got home. Monday, waiting for offie, Looked like death, Fear in...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, addiction, england, january, music,
Form: Free verse
The Recession of the Emerald Isle
The years before 2008 back when are economy was still standing great. Money was carelessly spent as people thought their wealth; would never melt away but how wrong were they? Fancy new cars and...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, business, history, on work
Form: Rhyme
R--Resigned or laid-off from work? E--Every wish and prayer dedicated to job search; C--Chopping unnecessary expenses, S--Saving money for priotized spending__ S--Surviving the financial meltdown, I--It was not easy to find money or food! O--Our year of recession kept us...Read the rest...
Categories: recession, inspirational, loss, sad, uplifting,
Form: Acrostic

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