Without a Shadow of a Doubt
A poem inspired by “Involuntary Spies” by Marion Strobel:
Without a Shadow of a Doubt
Soldiers, Spies, Brute Strength, Intelligence
Without a shadow of doubt, there is a difference
The latter exists in a position of negligence
Yet they stand strong and courageous
Without a shadow of a doubt, their loyalty is contagious
Ready to die for their country for a cause unknown
Knowing, Showing, that they are alone
Without a shadow of doubt, they stand on the true front lines
Ahead of all the rest
Ready to do the bidding of those they test
Sometimes they switch sides, showing their captors they can be rotten
Double Agents, Infidels, Soldiers forgotten
Just like Mussolini, Franco, and Stalin
But without a shadow of a doubt, they become lower and worse
Hungry for power and money
Using tactics that end up with them in a hearse
Without a shadow of a doubt, without a single shadow of doubt
Copyright ©
Jonathan Varkey