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Be a Warrior, Not a Whiner

Take the bull by the horns,
Or the bull will take you.
Stand up and holler,
A house prisoner is not you!

There is no jailer at your front
Though terms tossed about,
makes you think this is truth
to the core!

Want to change things does require 
courage and action.
So stop our endless sniveling to gain 

Warriors win wars in battles,
not so easily fought.
Having been in so many,wins
beat losses, so I have been 
wonderfully taught.

Today is your day, the trumpet 
for braveness calls.
Get outdoors in God's creation, 
His world has no guards nor fear 
laden walls.

         May 8, 2020
          10am PST

Copyright © Panagiota Romios


Book: Reflection on the Important Things