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Vampire Vexation

Eeevile in the realm of the Undead
Chilled blood red cold
Vampire vexation - sexy at best.
Wrapped in comfortable uncomfortable silence
Silence so sharp - you can feel the fangs at your neck.

Sanctimonium or sanctimonious
Vampires dripping of sophistication
They make a show of letting you know
That morally they ARE the BY FAR

With eyes so dark, so deep, so very tinged with icy heat
They draw you in with that sinful all-consuming stare
And tease you with the taste of truth or dare
Soo good it's bad and you can't wait.
To experience the grandeur of that liquid of life
Consuming it excites you
Allowing you to see past death and into the light of forevermore.

Cloaked in satin and bedding in secrets
While bemused by the beguiling beauty of the night
Vampires are never at odds with their shadow selves
They are just inadvertently lethal

You are cruelly entranced
By the bloodlust and the romance
The sensual, seductive man thing
Beckens you beseechingly
Brazen with decadence

Defying decency
He extends his elegant gloved hand
Drawing you in closely
While seemingly mirrored medieval menace
Brings out the dead in your eyes
And happily ever after becomes such a bore

Goodnight my darling you have opened and shut the door
Drank of the blood
Vampire Vexation is now your forevermore....

Copyright © karen kissel


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry