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Vampires and Mosquitos

Vampires and Mosquitos, they’re both out for blood each in their own way, one sucks the life out of you and the other just wants a taste
But when it pertains to love there is a big difference between the two, you my love were like the vampire but a little like the mosquito too
You swooped in unknowingly and you hurt me in subtle ways, claiming that it was all an accident knowing that I would stay
Just a nip here and there just enough to quinch your thirst, you didn’t care about my feelings just as long as you got your worth

And after I had been nipped at in places that were hard to see, the wound would be forgotten just an afterthought wrapped up in a backhanded apology
And your spittle it would consume into my skin, and collate with the others that you had tasted mingling together telling a story of where your lips had been
Just like the mosquito after your bite you saunter away, and leave me with the reminder that you had your taste
But in other ways you’re much darker and more ravenous it does seem, the way that you can suck the soul right out of me when you press your lips against me

You want to feed on me, you thirst for my love that flows within, and you have no thought of my needs you have shown me this time and again
As long as you are sated and you’re bloodthirsty no more, than you walk away as always leaving my corpse there on the hard, cold floor
Only returning when the darkness settles in, you come calling upon me like the chill that responds to your skin
There you search my lifeless eyes just begging for one last taste, awaiting my awakening whereas you have sealed my fate

I don’t wish to be anything like you I am not out for blood, I don’t wish for just a nip or a taste here and there I want eternal love.

Copyright © Amanda Kinzer


Book: Shattered Sighs