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Catagory Ii, 10uous Upfront

Man  Pisces/Taurus blend; that I be open to things that run in opposite directions.
Age    a recognized state of my socialized being, my frame of reference, me.
Life    a block of time I have been given to dis/rediscover myselves. 
Change   that Constant, directing us to ever, waiting means of end.
Divorce   seeing my Wanting, as not the same thing, as my Needing.
Seasons, poignant experiences lasting the lengths of my life to all points.
Wisdom  all that's truly attainable, as human, while on this earth.
Love     the one emotion that's never been universally applied to our resolve.
Death   the Great Escape we fail to see as sublime and liberating.
Infinity  that ethereal open range to everything untitled, incorporeal.

Copyright © Dave Collins


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry