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I'M Sorry

I’m sorry,
That I sound like I’ve been put to mute.

I’m sorry,
That I was speaking first.

I’m sorry,
That I added to the conservation 
only to be left out with no feedback.

I’m “Fine”
I’ll just listen as you talk about
My favorite things

It’s “Okay”
I’m used to feeling see-through

I’m just “Tired”
At the fire, the feeling of burning words stuck in my throat

I’m not sorry, 
I'm not fine, 
and I'm not tired

I’m Hurt-filled with Stressful feelings while standing in the flame
And questioning if I'm actually putting the flames out
With tears that fall so silently,
My shaky breathing sifting through the smoke

It's surrounded me for so long

I’ve become cautious of this uncontrollable out-of-it mindset
Feeling burnt out before I even speak 
The feeling of lies sinking in as I become more lost and scorched to my core.

Copyright © Maleigha Millet


Book: Shattered Sighs