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George the Animal Steele

George The Animal Steele 

Back in the 80's in the WWF there rose up one out of the rest
 A master actor with many children in which to cheer
 Brought along his manager Lou Albano to the ring
 Like a lone mouse in a heavy maze he was in such a rage
 His long hanging tongue was very green like his insides so mean
 Looked to fellow wrestlers like a chicken on a string
 He often fought with the famed Jimmy Snuka
 Chewing the turn buckles like it was his late night snack
 Working for him would have given any other guy an instant heart attack
 I guess you can say he was wrestling's Wavy Gravy
 Although the many years have passed still having a reason to grasp
 The real deal was none other then George The Animal Steele
 I saw him at my old high school when I was a kid
 He rushed into the ring and so often would skid
 Touching the many hearts to his loyal fans
 Often was quite hairy yet with nothing quite scary
 He would grunt & grumble then stare at the crowd
 We are still in a shock cause your theme was so loud
 Proud memories of our past having so much fun that it would last
 Steel is happily retired at the age of 79 but man did he ever shine

Copyright © Mario Vitale

Book: Shattered Sighs