Pakistan, Paraguay, Papua, Philippines, Poland - Pray For P Peoples, Countries, Territories
LORD, I humbly greet Thee who got me up, gifted me another DAY
God in THREE PERSONS: Father, Son, Spirit, I love Thee as YOU first loved me
I have a prayer list, and "P" countries, for YOU Creator, Sustainer, HEALER
Yet, "adoration" is the FIRST STEP (one way to PRAY) using "A-C-T-S"
The letters, not the word, "A" for adoring Him, God IS (Love) & LORD of lords
The "C" is for confession of sins. Then "T"hanksgiving and "S"upplication
I intercede, Abba-Father, for peoples in LOCKDOWN - quarantine as The virus
Called the common "Corona," a "garland" with aura, but what a CRISIS
Fear is everywhere, we rebuke it in Jesus' name, to Him we are most dear
Bless the global family, islands to former empires - in this Crisis together
Today, especially for P nations, states, territories in the UN ("first" is PALAU)
LORD the needs are so many, & there are "occupied" territories, even by UN
Help patient Panama & Philippines, proud Poland, Portugal, Paraguay, Pakistan
I learn from Jesus, Love & forgive, before offense. Pray for all His Creation
Shalom, shalOM, AUM, salaam, peace, pace, paz, vrede, eirene, shanthi Om!
NOTE: I have not structured this form with iambic feet or any other meter. I found this form suits my faith in Jesus as LORD, closest to how I feel: SONnet
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Anil Deo