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Millionaire Meanies

I wish that millionaires could see
There's a lot of charities
Hoping there could just be some
Of their cash that's used for fun
Donated to places that can
Lend someone a helping hand

Money used for foolish things
And living life like wealthy kings
Isn't fair when every day
Another child fades away
Because of hunger and frostbite
While mansions stay warm in the night

A teenage mom left all alone
Being kicked out of her home
Roaming the streets there is nowhere
Someone can show her loving care
Because shelters could not afford
To pay rent==they shut their doors

Teens are walking in the street
With not enough food to eat
Joining gangs and taking rides
Rising their innocent lives
Thinking it's the only way
They'll make it through another day

Because rich people everywhere
Don't have a heart or really care
When they hear about or see
Another story on t.v
About this true reality

Heartless, cruel and not decent
Doing nothing to prevent
A world of pain and tragic sorrow
Not caring about someones tomorrow

Copyright © Robin Davis


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry