Lesson Learned
Lesson Learned
Onyx black no diamond twinkling stars doth fill the sky, just the silver light from a winter’s moon shines down upon emerald coloured grass both dark and bright, under melting snow from the northern tempest, which to pastures new hath it moved.
Ensconced snugly under covers of double down, like a hibernating creature hiding from the cold a single heart beats, arms empty of the love from another.
The hand of the clock moves slowly round, tick-tock sounds the beat down the hall of this empty home. A crooked frown looks back from a mirror above a water filled sink, and eyes once filled with joy now contend with questions of why it went wrong?
Plans made for a life of which together both grow old, sit under a warm sun in foreign lands. Laugh and cry with children we would have, now tossed away, for twas all a lie.
Now the memories of those happy times lay far behind and itch at the base of a confused mind, one entered no secrets unsaid, the other’s devilish plans oh so well were they hid. But time moves on and what’s done in the dark, always will come to light.
A smirk turns the frown upside down, as realisation rears its pretty head, a lesson learned as it all came to an end, they tried to keep you down, but a new life lays straight ahead.
Chapter closed pages turned to thoughts anew, and things once stopped because of them, now begin once again. To their tune once you danced, now skipping on feather light feet, a laugh erupts they taught you well, for that you are grateful, but hence forth now happy days abound.
Patrick D
Copyright ©
Patrick Dacosta