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Ler her know, about spell, Gospell! Respectfully, to get her, let her go!

 Ler her know, about spell, Gospell!
 A Poem of Jibonananda Das  

 Intertwined light, through the lighted and the half lit dimmed
 Not about a dream perhaps, perhaps among a tedious may 
 Not about dream - not about peace - not about love
 A blossoming may for an unspoken, perhaps, also an unsung, just born  
 I am an undeniable denial to deny any more
 And my hand receives the warmth, as the hand surmises 
 All day long, for so long, all long gone, of one little value or none
 The way and the may and all about the say
 seemingly so
 seemingly so.

 Who is the weave and the chant, as they weave along
 Who will be the churn of this half lit, dimmed among
 Of about all these and those, their say and may, as they say so
 Who else will be there, anymore? Solar, a Vitamin D?
 Who else will leave anymore for a miss understood? Semolina, say molina 
 All about and all, once more, again
 All about and all, seedless or even a seed, sprouts 
 Those days and all long gone! Waiting for the harvesting season!
 The soil and the sunlight, the scent
 The water and the sunlight, the scent
 An yearn to see the neon or the sun
 A peasant and the full swing of rejuvenation
 Who else will be  there roaming on this earth, awakened?
 Not dreams- nor tranquility-only a remnance of one among 
 Sensual, faculty, intellectual.

(first draft- incomplete)

Copyright © Tamanna Ferdous


Book: Reflection on the Important Things