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When my Muse Came Knocking

When starlings were swimming in the azure lake, When bats and owls began their nocturnal ride, When all the Earth under a dark blanket lay, And man and beast into sweet repose retired, My Muse, like a sweet temptress, came to me To set this captive free, to give free rein to my fancy. She sang into my ears the lovely strains Of a placid melody, bathing me in sheer delight Creating in me a passion too intense To articulate my disjointed thoughts Into vibrant melodies of beauty and love. Soon fireflies of thoughts came flitting, Like bees around a looted honey comb. In a butterfly net, I trapped them all. They clustered together in a clumsy heap, Making my darkened zone bright With little arcs of shimmering light. I placed them carefully in an ordered strain, Word after word, in meaningful sequence, Fashioning them into a beautiful symphony, Arousing in me mystical spells of joy. When your Muse comes knocking at your door, Delay her not, but let her in And go for a merry ride with her Into some sleepy glades where silence resides. There, let her magic wand kiss and caress you From head to foot and all over, Awakening your fancy from deep slumber, Parading before you, scenes of beauty and wonder, That, songs of passion are born from you Gushing forth in streams of honeyed dew. So, write on....!

Copyright © Valsa George


Book: Reflection on the Important Things