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Too Cold for Comfort

Long johns on with woolen socks and clothes layered on the body
fuzzy sweater and heavy blanket on lap with hot coco within reach.
Frisky dog wants to play as the cold makes them like puppies
toss her a biscuit and she runs away with the treasure in her mouth.
The wind howls and the chill permeates through weather sealed
windows and doors. The night was single digits and the day stays
below freezing. Old furnace hums along and does what it can.
In the kitchen a stew simmers on the gas top range while the smell
of breads and pies in the oven sweetens the houses air giving it the scent of
home. Throw another log on the fire if you had one instead pull the blanket
up to your chin as the dog jumps on your lap and curls for a nap.
Too cold for comfort is the stubborn chill lingers throughout  the house.
The beanie on your head warms your ears as you click the TV on to see
the weather guy standing in the freezing wind telling you its cold,
switch the channel. Some days are good to do little but you get up
disappointing the dog who jumps back in the chair and curls into the blanket.
Things to do and movement warms the body but your nose still feels cold.

Copyright © Fritz Purdum


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry