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God Walks Warmly Alongside Death

I walked through the valley of Death, 
Where so many had walked before. 
On every tomb there lay a flower,
That had taken their last breath—
For it’s darkness that holds the power, 
And it’s darkness you can’t ignore. 

I saw demons chanting songs of woe, 
I saw babes wailing, lost; alone. 
Black chapels crumble, halls decayed, 
Mourning love lost long ago. 
For it’s the season of loss that stayed, 
Echoing in their hearts of stone. 

Yet I too can see a gold Light, 
Walking through the tamed vale of shade. 
A tender hand, outstretched and brave,
That lights a burnt candle bright.
For it’s God who holds the love we gave, 
And shares it as his hallowed blade. 

So, let not worry chain your hearts, 
And know the value of your loved breath; 
I do see the White Bell’s chime call, 
And destroy Death’s dark arts.
For it’s God who gives light to all,
And it’s God who walks warmly ‘longside death.

Copyright © Adam Silk


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry