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It Is Only God That Is Holding Back the Red Dragon

"It is only God holding back the Red Dragon, China, from obtaining its desired
goal of world domination."***

1) Red China's Marxist puppet dictator's chosen Brazilian criminal has just won
his election in the largest South American country of Brazil. Their people are 
taking to the streets in protest to his election and are asking for a new election.

2) Red China want's its yen to replace the American dollar as the standard for 
global currency.  It's carefully monitoring our elections and perceives America as progressive and very weak indeed! The last thing they want is for Trump to become
our president again in 2024 because they plan on taking us over as early as 2025! 

3) By it's take over of both Central and South America, the Red Dragon is in its
process of surrounding America!

4) If China does successfully does take over the island nation of Taiwan? And 
most modern prophets agree it could take place as early as the Spring of 2023. Internet pod caster Christian prophet of God--has predicted that Red China will 
be responsible for a lot of blood being split in the Pacific realm.  All of his 
prophecies have a one hundred percentage of their fulfillment. Taiwan produces 
one-sixth of all computerized semi-conductors and Red China wants complete access to their computer technology.

5) If Red China is successful in its invasion of Taiwan--it will completely have
fulfilled its long term ambitions of global world dominance!

6)  What are Red China's restrainers besides Donald Trump and the newly 
elected conservative leaders in  Italy, Hungry, Poland and Israel? The answer
is nationalism instead of one world governmental globalism. 

7) The most important restrainer is the Holy Spirit present in all born again
Christians of the world. But it is the conservative Christians that are actively
opposing world wide liberal world orders! Such as President Joe Biden is 
actively promoting!

8) The world wide media is the darling of the Democratic party and other
progressive liberal governments. They are actively vilifying conservative
Christian political activists.  Both in all of their media outlets and also
imprisoning pastors and other opposition Christian activists!

Elton Musk has blocked me on Twitter for being a conservative Christian and a Trump supporter! Yet I rejoice because he took over Twitter and has launched
global internet satellites in internet closed countries! Miranda! Miranda!

Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea/October Country
November 21, 2022

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Reflection on the Important Things