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A Shadow Of Hardball

Ebon bafflement descended 
from the Sun-bleached sky;
A penumbra of illuminated lies,
this world needs to be reprimanded;

A joyous ballet of obliteration;
Fooled by the doe eyed sweetheart,
they stare into dank rotting art
disguised as impending salvation;

Wearing cheap plastic glasses,
the audience so easily led by a trend; 
Commanding naked eyes ideas ascend
delaying the hypnosis of the masses;

Temporarily deprived of the norm, 
blindfolds serve as a wake call;
So begins a civilization’s cleanup,
reform is now the one playing hardball;

Magnetic pull of a weary shadow,
that bold charisma brings a brief pause;
Evolution echos a bright ring of applause,
with understated yet monumental flow.

Copyright © Melani Udaeta


Book: Reflection on the Important Things