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Lady Hope, harbinger of bliss

When Mr negativity comes and you open the door,
you find his friends along with him occupying your mind.
Mr. Negative, Mr.Despair, Mr Despondency all are thieves
They steal happiness and peace and make you a pauper,
You feel like dying

Always make lady Hope your best friend
she will bring her friends Positivity and Peace along with her
Create an armour in your mind which Mr negative cannot penetrate
You will lead a blissful life.

Lady hope is around us always, easy to spot

Morning Sun brings rays of hope throughout the day
Moon and stars scatters silver streams of hope at night
Ever flowing breeze conveys God's presence and love, caressess us with hope
Rains pour clean water, drenches earth with hope
Ever flowing rivers of hope nourish surrounds
Umpteen seeds within each fruits, pollens in each flower scatter hope everywhere

Forest flourish on their own, breathing out hope every second
Plants emerge from tiled, concrete grounds, their smile says be hopeful

When you look around and you will spot lady Hope everywhere
She conveys the message - Be hopeful! God is there and takes cares.

Copyright © Rama Balasubramanian


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry