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Read Hamelin Poems Online



Before you read further, please be aware, 
you should read that sign right over there.
This plain wooden sign,
With words painted Red.
You best read it, 
or you'll soon be dead.
it says on the front.
(A dragon's one creature you shouldn't confront.)
The sign is all crooked,  
Charred, scratched, and well done.
(Come on, hurry up you tiny ones, run.)
the sound of my pipe, urges them on, 
They're no longer laughing, or dancing along.
All the children, I'd taken away.
because of the governor's  actions that day.
here I'll release them, and here they will stay.
My powerful winged friends are all hungry, they say.
This is how I'll make that  town pay.

Copyright © Shadoe Shai


Book: Reflection on the Important Things