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Caesura Caesura

A genuine concern that is poorly expressed
I heard her speak of him as she made light 
of his emotions and feelings for the woman he
wished to marry.

Her need for attention, showed when we noticed
the way she would change her voice often during
mid conversation
pronouncing words quite faddish, instead of speak
crisp and clear like normal people
I could see her singing and doing this
but it was neither attractive or influential
yet on the other hand I fully respected the opinions
but the lack of boundaries allowed
my disrespect for her to form the relationship
dynamic ought to consist of two
centered by there willingness to be together
Maybe it's our culture which makes it more
to be valued in a well centered relationship
or might it be my lack of understanding that causes
me as an outsider to seem foolish and not
 be able to understand 
is due to the misguided reasonings of ones need to
Stearing off into the distance
concousis might they see beyond
there own rhealm of understanding
then might I to be able to understand

Conversations with Dizi:Erhu: and Suonaa
The Origins of there relationship were
based on a distorded beleif
on her first date she refused him
but Hirsay overhearing them
desided to bed the
Mister and became pregant. 
The other married him only
to refuse him were he
could be lonsome and needing
there he would seek other women
to make love to. The wife once put a
bounty on a woman who refused to
play that game with them.
Ten thousand gold coins to person
who would bring the hair
of the harlot
she spoke.
It's beleived she used the hair
to make a pillow
the pillow she used
when she became pregant by her husbands brother
they tricked him into
the child was his

Copyright © Allan Terry


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry