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The King's English -- George W Bush, Jr

Did you tire of one President's lecturing and preaching?
Do you cringe at another's tweets, his lechery and "leechering?"

Then as George W Bush Jr's term fades from the annals of recency
Let us recall the stirring words of this man of abiding decency

"Junior" as the USA's President was a bit of an anomaly
As he observed: "I know how hard it is to put food on your family." (Jan, 2000)

It was rather hard to take his Presidency all too seriously
After this: "I know the human being and fish can coexist." (Sept., 2000)

For education, he and Laura shared a passion, a yearning 
To wit: "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" (Jan, 2000)

Of course, Bush could also be sharp as a tack, downright uncanny 
Like the time he bragged, "They misunderestimated me!" (Nov, 2000)

And after eight years in office, "W" had become quite the orator
As seen in this reflection: "I think I was unprepared for war, --er." (Dec, 2008)

So there you have it, a smattering of evidence
  ~ That speaking the King's English is not required of a President

Copyright © Gershon Wolf


Book: Reflection on the Important Things