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Black History Is History

Black History is Our history 
Black History is American history 
Black History is World history 
Black History is The history 
Black History IS History 

Although it is celebrated in February, Black history is not just a month, it is every day history. 
Black History is a reflection of the segregation and discrimination, and the sacrifices and struggles for our freedom for justice and equality. 
It reflects how far we have come, from where we were to where we are.

Black History is History. It is written by “We the People,” and in case you didn’t know, we are part of the “We.”
Our story matters and our ancestors stories matter.
So no matter how much they want to have “selective memory” and try to dismantle or impose restrictions, take away fundings, or pick, choose or limit how much (if any) is being taught, it is our job as parents, grandparents, leaders and people to teach our children, nephews, cousins, friends and others about “Our” history.

Black History is History and it’s not just up to the teachers to tell our history. With that being said, parents, Be the change! Teach them at home, individual, in group settings… take them on field trips to museums, monuments, parks, take them on a bus ride, show them videos and books… By doing so, we are allowing the history (our history) of our civil rights leaders and ancestors to be remembered as their sacrifices for our freedom was not in vain.

Black History was then, is now and will forever be a part of history.

Copyright © Colette Dright


Book: Reflection on the Important Things