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Creator's Genius

In the colors of laughter, leaves
Vibrant, dancing, rustling 
Joyous and graceful, hurried
Blowing through the still of autumn,
Writing stories of light,
Falling so the world seems so right…

In the colors of music, playing
Energetic, pulsating, rhythmic
Gentle as the stars, glistening
Pouring out smiles
Where dazzling dreams fade,
Stirring the winds of fate…

In the colors of a shadow, sheltered
Animated, awake, radiant,
Still as a flame, burning prayers
In left over hearts, so amazed
By the gestures of a night
Penetrating souls with such power…

In colors of peace, serenity 
Glowing, vivid, excited,
Willing to remember, nostalgic
As the semblance of a life,
Blessed by the stars, evoking
Stolen thoughts – sweetest calm…

In colors of hesitant leaves,
Burgundy, rust, richest gold
Raining through the silence, breathless
Risking the quiet, seeking
To defend the spirit who lives
In the whispers of autumn, the wind…

In colors of autumn, trees
Taunted by the music of gusts, 
Blowing across the soul
Who knows God’s love, it colors
Everyone in a brilliant glow,
Blessings who seek the tranquil…

In colors of autumn, twisting
Turning, rising and deciding
Whatever comes, God’s the One
Who settles the griefs,
Who silences the trees,
Teaches us to believe… even though we don’t see…

Beyond the sighs of autumn’s leaves,
Beyond the forests, through the trees,
Where we fall to our knees,
Praying, praising, seeking the peace
That comes to the soul who simply believes,
The soul who believes – in the Creator’s genius!

Copyright © Regina Mcintosh


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry