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There is no destination, only thresholds that dissolve the moment you step through

There is no destination, only thresholds that dissolve the moment you step through,
And horizons that retreat with each step that brings them closer, a play of shadows and light,
To chase completion is to pursue a mirage, a cruel alchemy of longing and illusion,
Where dreams intertwine with reality, and time slips through fingers like sand.
Perhaps the wise do not seek arrival, but learn to make peace with perpetual becoming,
Accepting that each moment is a gateway to another world, a universe in expansion,
Where every sunrise is a new beginning and every sunset is just a pause between acts,
A continuous dance on the stage of life, where the goal is not to arrive, but to be.
We often lose ourselves in the search for the final point, forgetting that the journey itself is the story,
A voyage through the labyrinth of time, where each turn reveals something new,
Where true peace lies not at the end, but in accepting that there is no end,
And that beauty resides in the mystery of the journey, in embracing the eternal unknown.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Reflection on the Important Things