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The Difference That God Makes

I rejoice for the day of my redemption
when God revealed His great salvation plan
revealing God's perfect love for His own
sent His son Jesus the Saviour Godman

God showed me He loves me as I am
he alone does the changes within
as His holy spirit moves a creation anew
bringing me everlasting joy to the brim

Not only joy but peace and real contentment
making me know God's presence so very real
this is completely brand new in my life
blows my mind when I consider His love deal

Even when the hard struggles come my way
I'm assured God is with me each and every day
for He gives me the grace to get me through
to stand firm and keep Satan's darts at bay

Now let's consider the price of it all
Jesus my Saviour died on Calvary's tree
shed His precious blood to pay for my sin
a truly wonderful Saviour surely we must agree!

(I have written this about what people may have missed about God and His grace through Jesus Christ. Why is it they don't believe and accept the good news? So this is why I think so many miss the greatest news ever told.)

Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell


Book: Reflection on the Important Things