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Forgive Me

Miles apart in the gleam, I believe her,
Upright on the porch, staring at the mighty above,
Her glassy eyes shimmering with a deceptive smile,
Her loose hair flowing like ocean waves.
Must she be seeing the moon similar  as mine?
Our children lie in slumber deep,
Too young to grasp the storms we face.
Here I stand, lost in whispers of the dark,
Unformed, without any foresight.

Oh, my love! How will I ever repay those emotions?
The deepest depths no longer sting,
Perhaps the Almighty is a reconsideration away.
What have I done so horrendous,
For you to endure this?
My soul feels lost in its entirety.
My beloved, forgive me for this single night of parting.

Copyright © Sharanika Ratna


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry