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Old Datuk and Things Golden

A perfect example why to some people age is just a number...
You feel your age only if you choose to buckle under...
All those hype and negative comments once your age is 30 and over....

Of course just like a battle scarred lion growing up to be a lion king...
You will carry battle wounds and scars from the battles you've been....

What a great weekend it has been, Datuk Lee as a well bandaged veteran...
Shredding to bits the golden dream of his young opponent with the killer reputation...

Age is just a number, you feel old if you choose to be...

Look at Datuk Nicol Ann David, that's another old ginger of a player...
She has just secured a PSA win over there in mountainous Columbia...
After a hiatus of one and a half years in uncharacteristically lean times....
She gets to savor winning the grand prize one more time.... 
And at the age of 34, she's now one of the old dames in woman squash....

The fires of ambition still burn strongly in both of these Datuks....
Malaysians in Bolehland, stand up and applaud these 2 vintage Datuks....
Their latest victories are the epidomes of hard work, perseverance and ambition...
Despite wearied limbs and muscles screaming for their retirement....
Bolehland, stand up and lustily hail these 2 heroes for their latest achievements.....

Copyright © Keng Chuan Seng

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry