About My Dad
My Soul asked the WorldS Realms People Places and Things the that and they that is always talking about my dad? I never meet!
When my dad came to birth to earth down here, did not I wasI not with him around the quiver?
My soul says yes! before I became dirt to some people hurts my dad birth was a delight to me this nurse a people perfume she wore so sweet she rubbed my daddies head and we all became a part of the him sweet peace waiting to be born a soul a living soul but happy to be were we were never dead a new day at the time yes but never dead it was sweet love in the quiver. When did we become a dead story around and about all zones I had to be alive to run the birth race to become an earthly soul being was not I there my daddie love I know I was in the quiver of his emotions and feeling and even his wants about me because my dad was just born of flesh and we came in the Quiver alive and healthy and wealthy and well ready and swift movement of flesh bone and blood He loved love and loving! I need a Judge!
Thank you for the listen Soul Searchers!
My Own Questions.......
Copyright ©
Joyce Faure