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Crossing a sea of bitterness, voids curled beneath my ribs lie hidden

Crossing a sea of bitterness, voids curled beneath my ribs lie hidden,
I drank from the cup of vices, chewed on stupidity, laboring in vast fields of error.
My mind lay with disillusionment, embraced by phantoms, boundless in its futile thirst,
To unearth the simple essence, through furnaces and the ashes of a world that was once my home.
It was necessary to dance with shadows, through confines where the light drowns,
To look despair in the eye, to flirt with the final thought, without hearing the dawn's song.
Only thus, with a heart gnawed by this mad journey, could I return again as a child,
Able to start from the earth's root, detached from the shields and weavings of the transient world.
In that fall, the dream of death nearly touched my lips, cold and tempting,
But in delving into the depth of the self, I met mercy spread upon a bed of new leaves.
I had to lose myself, to become the nothingness from which all things come and into which they disintegrate,
To ultimately perceive grace in the clarity of the world's first breath.
Thus, with every misstep, with every fear swarming in me like in a wild hive,
I was purified, burned, decomposed, and mixed with stardust and trampled pains.
And now, my rebirth—a sacred surrender, an opening of eyes in gentle light,
A wisdom that comes only after the taste of despair teaches you that grace is what follows the storm.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry