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Trump Against Conservatives

What are some differences
between post-millennial Trumpism
and pre-millennial Republicanism?

I know...I know!
Republicans used to be fiscal conservatives
but now support a one trillion dollar deficit
per unaffordable health and safety care year,

Expanded deficit spending 
despite taking more from not so rich
so super-rich corporations and family dynasties
can invest less in public responsibilities
and conservational authorities.

What other differences do you see?

I know...I know!!!
Republicans used to be family moral conservatives
but now nominate candidates
who molest women and then brag about it
while employed through tax investor dollars
disproportionately extracted from lower-middle
and poor shackled families,
and candidates who may sexually assault young Southern girls
and expect their liberated from traditional family values voters
to hold their nose
and tax-share lack of status
and vote for more domestic and work-place sexual violence anyway.

Because a fetus
is presumed to become a heterosexual baby,
except when things work out wrong somehow,
but a penis
is just another predictable bad boy penis,
and some lives, born and unborn,
matter more than others.

That sounds a bit Boys Will Be Boys judgmental,
and maybe anti-Southern?
But, OK,
what else do you see
or hear
or smell, I suppose, possibly,
as Trumpism
antithetical to traditional Republican conservatism.

I know...maybe?

Doesn't healthy conservatism
require wealthy conservation of nutritional values,
and not so much toxic disvalues?

If so,
then isn't a real world conservative position
regarding climate pathology
and proactive health assurance
dwindling through MADness
pathologically degenerating economic
and ecological
and political
and sociological bad health trends?

Wouldn't traditional conservative positions favoring security
and defense of health and safety
disinvest away from ignoring growing chaotic climates?

To embrace restoring truly therapeutic traditions
of nutritionally resilient and multiculturally resonant
societies and species.

I believe you refer to Old School Conservation.
thou must not harvest grace
you did not plant and financially support with gratitude
for talents invested in you
by MotherEarth's past climates
of pertinently trusting compassion.

you respond to my Trumpism v Republicanism question
with questions
which in itself seems a conservative position
compared to denying questions 
of how best to conserve integrity
among a healthing society,

Voicing urgent concerns
about unmediated exploitation of punitive mendacity,
expecting conservatives
to continue voting
to liberate this piracy of healthy valuables
from relatively poor
toward triumphal rich
Pharisees of Secularizing Zealous Greed.

Do you think
that could have been
a Trumpian violin
Plutocratic Nero fiddled and twittered about?

And spoke too liberally
too libertine,
in his denial
of international health and climate care?

While hurricanes flooded Texas
and Florida
and Puerto Rico.
And while California,
and sometimes parts of Colorado
and Arizona
too often burned.

Is that the bedtime story
your fading from view grandchildren will read
about your conservatively intended vote
for their health and defensive climate safety?

Do Trumpians
become a non-party,
an Operatic Tragedy
without any conservative portfolio remainder?

According to the original Trumpian campaign,
this CEO promised to follow along 
toward conserving denial of facts
and expanding nihilism of whimsical foolishness
defined as whatever is not liberty
or freedom
or cooperative investment of any kind
in those who have not supported Trump Aristocracy products
and supremely super good job
real estate bought and sold-out services
for those better off
and their free for a quick grab trophy wives,

Who best stick to their expected denial of unfortunate facts business.
Follow Trumpian patriarchal lines and lies
of pathologically rich pedigree,
and not bother their pretty blond and blue-eyed heads
about conserving healthy
extending family climate values,
by easing off further over-investment 
in too-liberal disvalues
to invest in healthy climates for all God's Creations,

Conservationally speaking.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry