Autumns Spring Forth Tears!
Just sitting down in my most visited space looking back with eyes wide open not closed viewing the scene again this time the life took my thoughts to a once-upon-a-time-sweet taste of a beginner's life! Far way back to kindergarten school days straight to my first love you see for me at five years old watching the television screen early night drama a story of a child a boy that could not walk but he lived life and never gave up his place to live life his wheelchair he wore as a banner like it was his car. I cried through the entire movie and fell deeply in love with the character even now this is hard to write.
However, at six years old, this story manifested!
One day as to walked to the class tracing my steps for school was very far at least a twisting seven blocks down the road but that summer before school opened Mom would show me how to look both ways before crossing a street and so was most ready to walk alone to my kindergarten class to met and greet.. So class begins
Then love and anticipation crossed the pathway two blocks down the road and there he was this boy and his mother I observed them coming out of the house she dropped the wheelchair to the ground and this boy stumbled out of the shadowed mist the pain was felt in me and he looked at me and smiled such a pretty smile my eyes just at five years old now cried at six years was agony for me at school that day. Wanted to speak to his mom but we were poor creations of society he was a wealthy middle-class child I had no confidence but at seven my music teacher gave me a lot of that pep talk stuff to be or not to be is the always a question?
Every school time he would look at me passing by early morning and make me feel if only this or if only that could be every day morning an energetic smile but not me by the time I reached the corner paved road my tears flowed.
My mom noticed when I asked a simple question how do you know when you are in love with someone? Mom said you can't eat you cannot sleep and your heart races faster than a running stallion in heat.
The next event my mom that very Summer introduced me to.. Ms. Mary my music teacher for a year and I thought of him subconsciously in those middle C notes days of my learnings through winter and spring and summer but it all manifested around my birthday Autumn's sweet love stayed in the energy of love fields vibrations walked on by that night at the Municipal Auditorium Stage. I played the piano vibrantly a song at seven years old for a boy who never could speak my name nor walk a block with me and my mom moved our location she said I was moving too fast as her veiled child needed protection from me, adults. So we never ever met him again. Just his energy. May all love stories be lifted above our tears and our earthly frame in Autumn tears!
Copyright ©
Joyce Faure